Holy fucking shit, you're actually quoting figures that disprove your point. How does the fact that the Yankees sold over 4 million tickets last season prove that "no one watches baseball"? What happened to do that damaged you so horribly? I was also amused by this but in particular:
Now you're just making shit up. The last team to move was the Montreal Expos before the 2005 season, who moves because they were bought by an ownership group in Washington. They had been sucking and not selling tickets for eleven years before that, so there goes your "argument". Teams moves because the owners figure they can sell more tickers else where. Before the Expos, the last team to move was the Seattle Pilots, who had only existed for one year before moving to Milwuakee before the 1970 season. 34 years between moves. And in those 34 years, the league expanded to include six more teams.
Major League Baseball has the highest attendance of any sport in the United States. How you can even begin to argue that Hockey, Basketball or motherfucking MLS draw more fans than MLB is fucking absurd. Oh, and lets not forget that baseball is a rapidly growing international sport. It's huge all over latin America and is growing in East Asia.
The simple fact of the matter is that, in the United States, MLB is far more popular than any other league, except for the NFL.