the love thread

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Way to just make shit up. You've got nothing.
All hockey players do is skate around and slam into each other. It's great if you're stupid and have a short attention span.
hey, if you can make baseless generalizations about hockey, i can make em about baseball.

You have demonstrated that you don't get it. For example, you think a home run is "hitting a ball out of bounds". You don't know what pitcher it. You don't know what pitch-calling it. You don't know about signs. You don't know about hitting. You don't know about fielding. Happy?

really? im pretty sure ive just spent the entire day annoying you folks? you guys wanna hear an embarassing part of my past? i played baseball through Jr High and i used to be a braves fan. then i grew up.
hey, if you can make baseless generalizations about hockey, i can make em about baseball.

I was responding to Krig, but ok. What you said wasn't even a "baseless generalization". It was more like "something that makes absolutley no sense whatsoever".

really? im pretty sure ive just spent the entire day annoying you folks? you guys wanna hear an embarassing part of my past? i played baseball through Jr High and i used to be a braves fan. then i grew up.

"Annoying" me with your idiocy does not mean you know something. In fact, it means the opposite. You should sue the coach who pretended he was teaching you baseball, because he apparently taught you a different sport. Also, you having grown up is a debatable point in itself.
true, football (in either form) is the bees knees. now if only one of the two bay area teams could stop sucking!
true, football (in either form) is the bees knees. now if only one of the two bay area teams could stop sucking!

haha It's going to be a while for Oakland. That is if they actually draft Jamarcus Russell like they should. Which is their main problem, offense. Their defense was actually quite stellar last season. As for San Fran. I think they'll be alot better next year, definitely a playoff contender, but that's about it.
I love soccer, I just wish it had more coverage over here. Also,I'd love to play it, but right now I have the lung capacity of a smoker:cry:

*and no,I don't smoke.
haha It's going to be a while for Oakland. That is if they actually draft Jamarcus Russell like they should. Which is their main problem, offense. Their defense was actually quite stellar last season. As for San Fran. I think they'll be alot better next year, definitely a playoff contender, but that's about it.

San Fran has 8 picks in the first 4 rounds. So awesome!
soccer is for pussies. Real football is played with the...uhh...not the feet...uhh..


No, really though. As much as I love American football, I like soccer as well. Not enough to call me a fan, but I always watch every match of the World Cup and like to watch any games I see on television. I don't follow any particular team or leauge at all, but if I lived in some soccer-happy nation in Europe or South America or something I'm sure I would live it.

Baseball still trumps all, however.
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