I like to jizz inside women and never, ever call them again.
dude, pat is also a guys name
God, fuck this game. And fuck ESPN, too. Boston-loving shit stains. For real, half their correspondents also write for the Boston globe and two of their baseball play-by-play men are former Red Sox broadcasters.
Joe Morgan is an idiot.
I bought Filsofem in stores as a digi-pack on Feral House Audio, which I believe was the original US release. Latest date I could find on it was 1996.
is Filosofem guitar-based or synth-based?
Guitar-based, with one purely synth track.
He's annoying, but in a different way than the other ESPN and FOX broadcasters. All the others guys select a side to root for and gush over one particular player the whole fucking game. But Joe Morgan, man... he just picks some bizarre little detail and yammers on about it the whole game. I once watched him call a Twins games and- I swear to God- he would not shut the fuck up about the fucking turf. THE TURF. And how the turf impacts the game! Another game he talked about nothing but hops. "Now, you see that ball took about two hops, unlike the last ball with only took one hop. Of course, the hitter before that hit a fly ball, so there were no hops... Hops are funny, you see, because OH WAIT YOU JUST KILLED YOURSELF".
I love jizzing on my hand, then wiping it round my face!
Fuck, anyone watching the Yankee game? Alex Rodriguez is playing like a MACHINE this season.
Fuck, anyone watching the Yankee game? Alex Rodriguez is playing like a MACHINE this season. I'm glad to see that he's finally feeling comfortable in a Yankees uniform. The team in general, however...not so hot. They really need to get some relief from the IR and resolve some pitching staff issues.
so lately I have been working out with a couple of big time local high school football players around here and I am wondering if I should go to one of their parties. Is it akward for someone in college to go to a party full of 15-18 year old girls?
and why do jocks get such a bad rep in high school? I was friends with almost all the jocks in high school, they were great (and I am still close with a few of them)