The couple songs I've heard from the album were metal, albeit metal in the vein or WASP.Slave to the Grind is fuckin' metal.
there's a reason like 3,000 people have said the exact same thing. BWP borders on overproduced but it still has that dark melancholy opeth atmosphere, same thing with Damnation, but ghost reveries just goes way over the top with the polished production. Symphony x's music sounds good with production like that, opeth certainly does not
hey man, I like heavy, clear and powerful production as much as anybody. But Opeth's music does NOT work AT ALL with a digital squeaky clean production like Ghost Reveries. Not to mention that album is pretty weak in songwriting anyways.
the best opeth production was on their first 3 albums.
Whether or not they have written better songs is a matter of opinion. However, they are not more metal than any of "the shit people talk about around here." In fact, their only album that I could consider metal by any stretch of the imagination if their first.Motley Crue (the kings of hair metal) is more metal, and have written better songs than most of the shit people talk about around here.
I love cats. No, I'm not gay. I think they're cool animals.
Motley Crue (the kings of hair metal) is more metal, and have written better songs than most of the shit people talk about around here.
Motley Crue (the kings of hair metal) is more metal, and have written better songs than most of the shit people talk about around here.
Whether or not they have written better songs is a matter of opinion. However, they are not more metal than any of "the shit people talk about around here." In fact, their only album that I could consider metal by any stretch of the imagination if their first.
Cats are the best animals ever.
We fucking know it bruv!![]()
Nile are cool. I like them, and I do not care if elitists frown upon that. I do find it ironic that Karl Sanders, who, being in his mid 40s is one of the oldest people in death metal, is playing such modern style dm.
I can totally see the appeal in their sound, and Mick Mars is a good guitarist. But their music just isn't my cup of tea.Heh, I wasn't totally serious. Though Motley Crue is indeed better than most music!![]()
Yeah, I heard he was super into Egypt before Nile even formed. And I never considered it a gimmic. It's the theme of their music. No more, no less. And the Middle Eastern scale riffs compliment the theme well. Of course, Nile are not the only band to write riffs in the Middle Eastern scale.I guess he used to be in a thrash band that played with young as shit Morbid Angel.
and I hate the "gimmick" bullshit. Karl loves ancient Egypt, his house (he posted pics on his forum) is FULL of stuff. A sarcophagus for the love of jesus.
I'm sure Dallas is over 40 like Karl is. I'd be hard pressed to think of many active death metal bands older than Nile.dallas toler wade looks like he's about 50 years old
without the egyptian element though, the band is still very good tech death. The egyptian elements helps to add alot of atmosphere and variety in the songwriting from the epic DM to teh brutal/techy DM like execrat