the love thread

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the people who talk the most shit about st. anger don't ever seem to have actually listened to it.

the most metal thing the biggest "metal" band on earth could have done was release an album that sounds like shit in an aluminum shed.

not that it was great or anything, but "teh drumz r liek trashkanzz lerlerlerl" isn't any kind of valid criticism.

Actually it would be the most punk thing to do. Not the most metal.
And yes the drum sound is awful. It certainly is a valid criticism if the sound is constantly grating on you for 80 minutes.
LOL I just read this on wikipedia (talking about ...and justice for all)

"The song structures on ...And Justice for All were so complex that the band apparently had some difficulty reproducing the songs precisely for their Damaged Justice tour shows. The band stated many times in subsequent years that this kind of difficulty was the primary reason for the relatively simpler song structures on their next album, Metallica. Hammett said: "One day after we played 'Justice' and got off the stage one of us said, 'we're never fucking playing that song again.'"

was that album really that complex??
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