The Member's Art Thread

well i just visited your website rex, hehe, just to have a wee look, i really love your photogrpahy pieces, they are excellent although i dont really like your cd artwork, but your use of photographs in them is really good, again excellent photogrpahy
cool thanks. I dont have much up on the cd artwork part yet (cuz i havent done that much) the Biogenesis one should have been better, but the band decided that they wanted an older version and stuff. anyway, they love the cover, but i like some of the older versions better (scroll down that particular page). and one of the others was done in about 5minutes literally, last minute kind of thing. most of the others are collaborations with Travis and me. or better put, I supplied him with some photos to use :)
shit i was talking about the wrong person,lol, both begin with S! anyways im looking at yours now....

this is taking forever to load,lol, of i really like it, brilliant!! except one thing....the hand it looks like its too cut out, if u get me, try softening it round the edges of the fingers etc the 2nd and third finger need softened, i think it will make it look alot better!! other than that i really like it! i love the eye in it!
Here is my last piece of shit...

I like this pic ColdDark! The orange tones in the right side seems unnecessary and the coloring of the typo is not really for my taste though.
hmmm, im not sure about this one, i feel that it has the potential to better..........its really good at the moment but the text and colour of the text spoils it, also the wire or whatever it is,lol, going through the mummy etcetc, is too strong or 3D if that makes sense.........its very good but i definetly say loose the writing! and change it to something else....not sure what mind u, LOL