The mods over at can suck my dick.


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
So, I've been a member on SS .org sine 2009, but only had about 5 posts over the past 3 years. :lol: Mainly because most of the shit people talk about over there is irrelevant to me or I don't find interesting enough to reply or participate in those conversations.

Over the past week, I've been on the hunt for an Ibanez rg 7620 or 7420 and have posted 2 threads in the classifieds. Both were closed due to me being an "un-contributing" member and not participating enough in other areas of the forum. Seriously?!?

So, I messaged in the "Read the rules" thread in the classifieds asking what are the rules and how many posts I need. Of course, no mods have an answer and it's all ambiguous as to whether or not you're a "contributing member".

I've heard about the mods there being retarded, but I've never been subject to their random acts of douchebaggery until now.

There are SOME mods that seem to be cool, but MOST of them are complete fucking idiots.


Anyone wish to share their recent complaints about that forum, go ahead.
Ola, if you read this, where's the best place over there for me to spam that picture you were banned for? I want a shitload of people to see it before I get banned. lol :)
Wait, nevermind that's not it. Damnit, I can't find the thread that Ola posted that gay pic in. (Not that I want to see it again, but I want to post it on there)
So I just logged in over there and found this nice little message waiting for me:

You have been banned for the following reason:
The site classifieds policies are not up for debate

Date the ban will be lifted: 04-12-2011, 09:00 AM

Even though I followed their ambiguous "rules". Wow. A bunch of patch/preset kiddies with e-power trips enjoying the size of their ePenis. Mod status must be like viagra for them. :lol:
+1 to that. I joined two years ago and I only have 200 or so posts. I don't post a lot, for the same reasons you guys listed.

It's a love/hate thing for me, though. The site DOES have a lot of traffic, so yeah.. you get a lot of idiots.

However there are quite a few good guys who post pictures of cool guitars, and genuinely love to talk guitar and gear and music. It's about 1:10 ratio though unfortunately.
I post sometimes to help people out with gear problems, if I can help (I'm an electronics tech).

Ubersyntax, I saw that your thread got closed, bummer man. Sorry to see that.

I NEVER go to the recording forum there though, it's a joke. There are a few guys posting cool tunes but 99% of it is "HAY GUYZ GENERIC DJENT MIXTEST" for the one millionth time.

I end up spending more time here, but I mostly just read and try to soak up all the info... I have way more to learn than I can possibly contribute at this point :lol:
+1 to that. I joined two years ago and I only have 200 or so posts. I don't post a lot, for the same reasons you guys listed.

It's a love/hate thing for me, though. The site DOES have a lot of traffic, so yeah.. you get a lot of idiots.

However there are quite a few good guys who post pictures of cool guitars, and genuinely love to talk guitar and gear and music. It's about 1:10 ratio though unfortunately.
I post sometimes to help people out with gear problems, if I can help (I'm an electronics tech).

Ubersyntax, I saw that your thread got closed, bummer man. Sorry to see that.

I NEVER go to the recording forum there though, it's a joke. There are a few guys posting cool tunes but 99% of it is "HAY GUYZ GENERIC DJENT MIXTEST" for the one millionth time.

I end up spending more time here, but I mostly just read and try to soak up all the info... I have way more to learn than I can possibly contribute at this point :lol:

Totally off topic, but maybe you can help me out? I just gutted my old '89 Ibanez s430II to re-finish it, and now that I'm trying to re-wire it, it's been a complete nightmare. Do you know if there are some good places to get wiring diagrams for this Ibby? This thing has tons of wires that look like they've been snipped too short, shredded, old and cracking and breaking when I bend them, blobs of old solder, etc. I dont know if I should just hire a guitar tech to do this for me or if there are some good diagrams to help me replace the wiring in this POS. Thanks! We can carry on this convo in a PM if you can help.
lol there's a thread like every month on here about someone getting banned from it's such a terrible forum.

I remember when I registered a mod got all mad at me because I entered a bunch of random crap as my location, DOB,etc and wouldnt activate my account until i fixed it
i also got neg repped any time i said something that went against the general consensus of the forum