The mods over at can suck my dick.

whenever i see anything over there the only response i can come up with is

what is this i don't even...
"Cute." What a little fucking child of a cunt comment. Always entertaining to see grown ups act like 2 year old kids. Douche needs to go suck his moms tits some more it seems.

You asked for a policy they were to fucking retarded to clarify and your banned for it, seems completely logical to me.


Like I said, the idiot to smart ratio is way off in that forum.
The place has changed a LOT in the last couple of years, and since I joined in 2008 my posting has all but come to a halt in comparison... It does have some awesome guys there though, but most of them I am in contact with more off the forum (or on other forums) than on there anyway :lol:
Never went to SS forum.. and reading about it im glad I dident.

On a slightly different note, I did used to post alot on the guitar section of musicianforums many years ago (think the forum is actual down now). Had fun there but wow there was some douchebags and elitist fusion nerds around.

Also the year was like 03/04, so when people posted solos it was almost always without backing track and with like a pc mic at a combo or going direct in (no impulse) with a metal zone.. shit was so cash.
lol thanks for the comments guys. I'm with ya, I debated for so long about joining over there just from everything I've heard, but then again I thought, "why not give this a chance at least." And now I'm sorry I did. I too agree that the cool guy:cunt ratio over there is way off kilt. I'm sure there are some really cool ss org members that are even members here (like '22km Tombstone' for example), but those cool dudes are the exception to the rule, and I agree most of them are douchebaggets over there.

This experience has shown me how much I love this forum for what it is and all of you that make it kickass! Even the troll problems we have occasionally don't compare to what the general feeling is like over there in just one day.

Too bad if a "contributing member" was wanting to sell what you're wanting to buy.

Fucking dumb cunts.

"Cute." What a little fucking child of a cunt comment. Always entertaining to see grown ups act like 2 year old kids. Douche needs to go suck his moms tits some more it seems.

You asked for a policy they were to fucking retarded to clarify and your banned for it, seems completely logical to me.

[implied facepalm pic]

Like I said, the idiot to smart ratio is way off in that forum.

haha yeah exactly.

What's even funnier is that their rules say that if you are new, you cannot just have your first post be in the classifieds because that would be a bannable offense. So, if you are new, to post a username to someplace (like ebay) where you have great feedback, or list a site (like here) where you are a contributing member and can have people to back you up and vouch for you.

So, despite me NOT selling anything, and just saying that I'm looking for an Ibby, I put my ebay username (which has 100% feedback) and my username here, and then I get banned for following their "rules"

Even one of their mods in the 'rules' section told me that the rules are "ambiguous" and is different for each member. Wtf? Aren't RULES supposed to be followed, isn't that the point of them? How can anyone follow the rules if they don't know what the hell they are? And of course, I'm trying to quote the conversation (logged in under a different username now :lol: JUST so I could quote him), but the mod went through and deleted all of my posts and his comments after he banned me.
Were you the one looking for the magenta crush 7x20? It's weird that you'd get banned for that considering you were trying to buy something.

For the most part, the mods there mean well. The site has gotten so active, and there are so few mods (and even fewer who are actually very active), that they take a heavy hand to anyone they don't recognize because of the aforementioned average intelligence ratio. I disagree with a fair amount of the things they do, but I'm not sure I'd be able to do much better if I had as much to do as they do. I post there on and off depending on how much sifting I feel like doing to get to the good content.
That's basically the same with me nowadays. :dopey:

Pretty much.
Some days I have no motivation at all to post there either because I'm just bored of what I see, or I see too many idiots post and just think "Ughh, enough for today).
Were you the one looking for the magenta crush 7x20? It's weird that you'd get banned for that considering you were trying to buy something.

For the most part, the mods there mean well. The site has gotten so active, and there are so few mods (and even fewer who are actually very active), that they take a heavy hand to anyone they don't recognize because of the aforementioned average intelligence ratio. I disagree with a fair amount of the things they do, but I'm not sure I'd be able to do much better if I had as much to do as they do. I post there on and off depending on how much sifting I feel like doing to get to the good content.

Yeah, I was the one looking for the Magenta Crush. I know they have their hands full, but I know there are some mods that are just bored and want to be jerks and so they transform into mod troll mode. :lol: