The most influential band in your life


Apr 6, 2005
OK, so which band was the one that set you on the right path - the path of heavy guitar music, or to put it another way - the path of metal? :D

As for me, the first were The Beatles. I had a vague idea of music then, but I was only like 8. My father had a tape with their best of on it and I was playing it over and over until someone stole it from our car (with the car radio of course). But this was not the band that made the difference. That band was KISS. When Ive first heard them I knew that it was gonna be guitar based music that Id love from then on.

The other milestones were Helloween, then Metallica/Megadeth/Slayer, then Sepultura. Then came a big fireball right between my eyes and that was Skydancer from DT. And then came Carcass (my love :D ) and I was completely lost in the worst (the best!) gorgets of heavy music.

What about you?
Black Sabbath - Dark theme, low tuned guitar riffs, and melodic solos.
Metallica - Thrash metal gateway. I started learning Metallica guitar riffs.
Dark Tranquillity - Gateway to melodic death metal.
lol :D i should not insert them inside heavy-metal music, but still if i know DT and havy-metal in general it's all due to them :)

Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Lost Prophets, Nonpoint and Staind turned my attention away from pop music a few years ago... then i got bored listening to them and tried something different... Rhapsody was probably the first real metal band i ever listened to... then came In Flames, then DT... now i listen to many different metal-genres and bands :) hard to say this, but in my case, this is all due to nu-metal :S
Six feet under.
Been listening to metal ever since....

They were an introduction to a whole new world.
Today, they're almost forgotten on my playlists.
Started with Guns'nRoses when I was about 10. Then some german "punk" (Die Toten Hosen, Die Ärzte) and then someday Metallica. It was Rock for me first and I didn't like Metal these days (it's all raping guitars). Jimi Hendrix and Skunk Anansie this time as well. Then I got into Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the other Side. After that, some Power-/ Melodic Metal (Maiden, HammerFall, Stratovarius, Labyrinth). Children Of Bodom - Hatebreeder was my first "Death Metal" touch. Followed by In Flames. Saw IF, Sentenced, DT and To/Die/For in 2000, first time ever listening to DT, totally blown away. Quite late, but better late than never, right?
Today, there's MeloDeath (DT, At the Gates, Arch Enemy, Nightrage, Amon Amarth - if you count them to MeloDeath), Swedish Death (Unleashed, Dismember), other Death (Kataklysm, Vader, Dies Irae, Aborted, disbelief, Nile), Folk/ Pagen (Moonsorrow, Finntroll) and sometimes Thrah (Dew-Scented, Kreator, The Haunted). The bands are just examples, many more as well (MeloDeath: e.g. Dark Age, Callenish Circle).
Too many to name but i take my approach to music from Jazz but my stylistic choices from Metal and ( recently ) Prog. The most influencial bands to me are probably John Coltrane ( many incarnations of his band ) and Cynic, Death and Katatonia on the metal side.
Searching for something appealing in metal - that was a long process and many of your "classic" bands were set aside - not really fond of Slayer and Metallica (for instance), I just don't enjoy that kind of music :erk:

For sure what set my preferences for the last 7-8 years were The Gallery and Artifacts of the Black Rain.

Still count The Gallery #1 metal album ever recorded.
my path to dt was something like;
kent -> dia psalma -> blind guardian -> in flames

it's a bit complicated, though. thanks to my cousin i listened to for example tiamat's wildhoney and amorphis' elegy years before my "real" interest in metal started.
Significant bands in the moulding of my tastes were probably
Black Sabbath/Deep purple (got into them really young cos I saw an advert with sabbath playing on it, and I thought it was heavy as fuck (I was only little) ). I got the albums in a buy-one-get-one-free deal (it was the Sabbath collection and the deep purple collection best ofs).

Pantera Were my next love and they had all the metal I could shake my stick at (as a youngling) :p. Cowboys from hell never sounded all that heavy to me, moving on to vulgar display of power was ear rapage :lol:.

then the most important band in my developement At the Gates. I heard with fear I kiss the burning darkness and tried desperately to form a band. Succeeded rather well, and the drummer told me about DT's haven. First listen and they were my favourite band from then on.

Of course, along this path there were always many many others for me to get into. but none had the influence or marked the turnig points these bands did.
in the early 90s there came this tv series HIGHLANDER, which I liked very much and I heard the titletrack by QUEEN-princes of the universe and it bleew me complettely away.later watched the movie with even more great queen songs and so I bought my first album:queen a kind of magic. then I looked around to discover other music like that and found METALLICA, then 1997 I heard jotun by IN FLAMES and through IF I got hooked by the minds I and so DT arrived in my life.(and lots of other cool stuff)
When I was about 8 or 9 years old I used to listen to the classics Queen, Kiss, Scorpions and Iron Maiden 'cause my mom used to listen to these bands; actually, my favorite game used to be that I was one of the Kiss band members. :tickled:
I guess it was my first influence in music at all.

On the other hand, I must to say that the most influential bands to me on the metal music are definitly Opeth, Death, Dark Tranquillity and Lacuna Coil.
It started with Metallica in fifth grade. The buss driver let one of the older kids play some tapes over the buss speakers if it was clean. I remember that it was Wherever I May Roam that came on, and I was like, holy shit what is this awesome guitar riff? So that got me into metal. Then Korn probably pushed me into the more chugging guitar riff nu-metal type of stuff much later on. Then I discovered a local college station when I was a sophomore in college and heard Not Built to Last and basically crapped my self to death upon hearing it. I didn't know such music existed. So that was my introduction to melodic death metal and I've been hooked ever since.
Well, I guess you could say there are three. First of all came Metallica, at the age of 12. They were the ones who really got me into the heavier, guitar-based stuff. Then came Paradise Lost at 13-14 sometime (yes, Host was my first PL album, and Reload my first Metallica one - I confess, I started with the most spat at albums and I still liked the bands, still like those albums today, along with the rest of their work. funny that), and they pretty much defined the specific metal "sound" I was going to focus on... ie, I'm not so much into thrash as I am into, say, the more gothic sounding branches of metal. In buying PL's Reflections as my second album of theirs, they also served as my introduction to growls, but it was only Opeth's Blackwater Park that made me actually appreciate that type of vocals. Making Opeth #3.
Then again, at a very early age I remember singing along to Guns 'n' Roses (courtesy of my brother) and at age 10 I was obsessed with Deep Purple's "Perfect strangers" (still one of my favourite songs).
So that's about it :p

(wine is my only excuse...)
Pink Floyd started my love for music
Iron Maiden and Metallica started my love for metal
Anathema and Tiamat's Wildhoney album started my love for doom and dark metal
Dark Tranquillity and In Flames started my love for melodic death metal