The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

She fucking sucks, dude. Anonymous, boring, over-produced and possibly even totally talentless at root. Not that you'd know since she's so produced that you couldn't what her voice really sounds like.

NP: Scar Symmetry - Unseen Empire - A disappointment, thus far.

Really? I think she has a great voice, very different from metal; more like pop, which is the reason I really like her. Besides, I don't think this particular album is over-produced (it's not the new Dimmu, which is certainly over-produced).
Just listened to the entire (;)) two songs of V: Hävitetty with Moonsorrow. And I have to say, wow that was some utter pointless music where absolutley nothing happened in an aura of absoluty no emotions or feelings.
Dull is the word I'm searching for I guess :err:

But I will try to be open-minded as I now will listen to "Kivenkantaja" and hope it will be better.
Just listened to the entire (;)) two songs of V: Hävitetty with Moonsorrow. And I have to say, wow that was some utter pointless music where absolutley nothing happened in an aura of absoluty no emotions or feelings.
Dull is the word I'm searching for I guess :err:

But I will try to be open-minded as I now will listen to "Kivenkantaja" and hope it will be better.

Wow, really? I looooved Hävitetty. I dunno what it is about that band's songwriting that draws me back, but it's so damn subtle. It's almost like ambient music, except so much cooler!

NP: Yaotl Mictlan - Dentro del Manto Gris de Chaac
Just listened to the entire (;)) two songs of V: Hävitetty with Moonsorrow. And I have to say, wow that was some utter pointless music where absolutley nothing happened in an aura of absoluty no emotions or feelings.
Dull is the word I'm searching for I guess :err:

But I will try to be open-minded as I now will listen to "Kivenkantaja" and hope it will be better.

Seriously? I wonder why you say that, as I think Hävitetty is excellent; not Monsorrow's best for me, but still brilliant.

Kivenkantaja is a masterpiece. Moonsorrow's best and most passionate album.

But since I'm now cursing your blasphemous words (haha ;)), I'd like you to expand on the "dull" part, as I cannot compute how one can feel that when listening to Moonsorrow.
But since I'm now cursing your blasphemous words (haha ;)), I'd like you to expand on the "dull" part, as I cannot compute how one can feel that when listening to Moonsorrow.

Well, basicly I just feel that nothing kind of happens. But I feel the exact same thing about Opeth as well. I don't know - I actually get why people like it - but it's not just for me...
Listening the new fucking sample endlessly.

I'm very into Samael lately, Antigod is an excellent EP with encapsulates both old and new sounds. until this morning, I was listening this:

This song is amazing! the middle part is heavy as fuck!

EDIT! For SAMAEL fans that didn't hear this:

They are releasing studio clips from the new album 'lux Mundi', the first one features 'Antigod', this is a brand new song.


Again, this bring me back to the Passage days, but at the same I feel it's a natural progression from Solar Soul.
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Well, basicly I just feel that nothing kind of happens. But I feel the exact same thing about Opeth as well. I don't know - I actually get why people like it - but it's not just for me...

I do feel the same about Opeth, but then again I think I haven't really given them the chance they "deserve"; however, I'd never thought anyone would say that about Moonsorrow.

What about Kivenkantaja?

NP: All Vintersorg all day. Man, I'm getting excited now.

Oh yeah, me too. Plus, my Swedish has really improved! I get 60-70% of the lyrics, so it makes me really happy to now be able to fully understand the lyrics without constant use of a translator.
Nice! I don't ever really expect to understand musicians all the time when they're singing in any language that isn't English, and actually I find people hard to understand when they sing in English most of the time as well.

NP: Crimfall - As the Path Unfolds... - My gf doesn't like Vintersorg, unfortunately, so she told me to choose something else.. :lol:
Nice! I don't ever really expect to understand musicians all the time when they're singing in any language that isn't English, and actually I find people hard to understand when they sing in English most of the time as well.

NP: Crimfall - As the Path Unfolds... - My gf doesn't like Vintersorg, unfortunately, so she told me to choose something else.. :lol:

Thanks :) , I'm really happy about that: I can read and understand a lot, the only problem is the "speaking" part. As you can expect, I don't know any Svenska speakers here in CR. So people stare at me (all the time) when I'm walking around and saying those "weird sentences in an obscure language". Rosetta Stone does help a lot too, I don't know what I'd do without it (hurrah for piracy).

Oh yeah indeed, I still don't understand 99.999999% of whatever-the-heck Moonsorrow is talking about :p .

Well, way more interesting than the other one, but definitly not my cup of tea anyway

I'm glad you thought it was better, but pity 'tis not yer cup of tea.
But Finnish is just insanity. I mean, if you're not born into it, you might as well just fucking forget it.

NP: Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance

Haha yeah, indeed it is. One has to live there and really study the language in order to be able to be fluent in it. I actually know two words: kiitos and perkele. Hee hee.

Holy fuck you really didn't like the new Deadlock, huh? I guess I live in a


World because I totally love that record :p .

And yes, Katatonia. I was listening to them the other day and had such, oh, catharsis. Really, I needed that; I think that, perhaps, a new me was born after listening to TGCD.
Djöfull;9682972 said:
New Moonsorrow album here:

I like it, I guess, some great parts. But I think the lates Moonsorrow releases try my patience a bit since they are more blackmetal than their first 3 albums. I miss the choirs, more folkiness and cheesy keyboards.

Thanks a lot for posting! I haven't heard it, but I find your comment interesting because the sample that was uploaded to Utube had really cheesy keyboards.