Just by looking at the cover I won't bother.
Dark Tranquillity: - Lethe
Do I simply adore, relish on and feel ecstasies el when listening to this song? Why, yes.
I downloaded just for curiosity. I didn't expect something great at all, not even something barely decent, since I truly despise Gorgoroth's TOTI and AMSG. King's songwriting skills are good as Shagrath's grim vocals, if not worst.
About Lethe... It's almost breathtaking. In a way, for that kind of quality/passion is that I can't dig their new efforts.
couldn't agree more about Watershed and Lopez' jazzy drumming. I caught myself dancing rumba a couple of times during some songs on Damnation
Burden is awful, Mikael's voice sounds so gay
For the rest: totally disagree! BWP & GR are my 2 most favs Opeth albumsit's unhealthy how often i've listened to Ghost of Perdition ♥
BWP for me is really inconsistent. The second half of the album sounds really uninspired. The folky element Opeth had is almost entirely gone.
GR...Ghost of perdition is decent but it's maybe the worst (real) opening track to date (compared to April Ethereal, The Moor and Lepper Affinity for instance) and The baying of the hounds has good moments, but the 'mellow' interlude is plain bad and empty. Then the rest of the album just...exists. Beneath the Mire and Atonement are abominations, even some tracks of Watershed are better than those 2. Isolation Years is too much Pink Floyd's praise to my taste. Also this album features the worst Opeth track ever: The Grand Conjuration.
Listening Borknagar's entire discography since early morning. Now sounds Revolt from Quintessence.