The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Just by looking at the cover I won't bother :lol: .

Dark Tranquillity: - Lethe

Do I simply adore, relish on and feel ecstasies el when listening to this song? Why, yes.

I downloaded just for curiosity. I didn't expect something great at all, not even something barely decent, since I truly despise Gorgoroth's TOTI and AMSG. King's songwriting skills are good as Shagrath's grim vocals, if not worst.

About Lethe... It's almost breathtaking. In a way, for that kind of quality/passion is that I can't dig their new efforts.

couldn't agree more about Watershed and Lopez' jazzy drumming. I caught myself dancing rumba a couple of times during some songs on Damnation :oops:
Burden is awful, Mikael's voice sounds so gay :lol:
For the rest: totally disagree! BWP & GR are my 2 most favs Opeth albums :headbang: it's unhealthy how often i've listened to Ghost of Perdition ♥

BWP for me is really inconsistent. The second half of the album sounds really uninspired. The folky element Opeth had is almost entirely gone.

GR...Ghost of perdition is decent but it's maybe the worst (real) opening track to date (compared to April Ethereal, The Moor and Lepper Affinity for instance) and The baying of the hounds has good moments, but the 'mellow' interlude is plain bad and empty. Then the rest of the album just...exists. Beneath the Mire and Atonement are abominations, even some tracks of Watershed are better than those 2. Isolation Years is too much Pink Floyd's praise to my taste. Also this album features the worst Opeth track ever: The Grand Conjuration.

Listening Borknagar's entire discography since early morning. Now sounds Revolt from Quintessence.
Listening Borknagar's entire discography since early morning. Now sounds Revolt from Quintessence.
done that last time on Andreas's birthday :p i felt like doing this again now with Universal, but i'm afraid to discover how it fits in the total picture...

Revolt is my personal bestest of the best Borky track to this day! :headbang:it must also be the only one i know all the lyrics by heart of and can sing along from the top of my lungs making my neighbours shiver :heh::D
@ Opeth conversation.

I like all of their albums but Still Life is by far my favorite, with Blackwater Park coming in a close second, and Ghost Reveries is by far my least favorite. There was just something about GR that just didn't do it for me. I like Watershed a little bit more than GR but not much, and I actually LOVE the song Burden.

Moonspell - Dekadence

Watershed and Ghost Reveries are my two favorite Opeth albums after Morningrise and Orchid. Ghost of Perdition and Hours of Wealth are two of my top five favorite Opeth songs. God I love that band. And thank the gods I saw them live in May. Life altering experience, to be honest.

I guess, if you like death vocals, you should start at the beginning with Skydancer, and then continue to listen to the incredible musical evolution the band has had :) .

I would recommend exactly the opposite. To my ears, DT has become very formulaic and simple with time. I find more interesting to end the listening experience with Skydancer and The Gallery. I mean, if people can dig their last albums, they'll love the first ones for sure, but I can't really say the opposite.
:lol: lol, guys who should i listen to now :p The story goes like this: a friend recommended DT to me because i'm so crazy about Fission's Pain Parade and was raving about it a bit too much... :oops: i guess that would mean i would like the later releases more?

so far i've heard Fiction, Skydancer & Of Chaos & Eternal Night. I think i like Fiction more. :rolleyes:
:lol: lol, guys who should i listen to now :p The story goes like this: a friend recommended DT to me because i'm so crazy about Fission's Pain Parade and was raving about it a bit too much... :oops: i guess that would mean i would like the later releases more?

so far i've heard Fiction, Skydancer & Of Chaos & Eternal Night. I think i like Fiction more. :rolleyes:

I'm listening to the new Finntroll and LOVE IT! :headbang: SOLSAGAN!!!!

That said, I think Projector is one of my favorite DT albums. Haven is also really solid. Fiction I don't like because of the production.. Uh, it feels kinda tired. The new album is really dark and awesome, like I said, you can read my review and I give you the rundown. I think it's a grower, actually.. my score might be a little low.
:lol: lol, guys who should i listen to now

If you like Gothic/Doom, I would highly recommend the bands [ame=]Evig Natt[/ame], [ame=]Chalice[/ame], and [ame=]Dark The Suns[/ame]. For Melodic Black check out: [ame=]Dismal Euphony[/ame], [ame=]Oathean[/ame], and [ame=]Tvangeste[/ame].

Swallow The Sun - Ghosts Of Loss
:lol: lol, guys who should i listen to now :p The story goes like this: a friend recommended DT to me because i'm so crazy about Fission's Pain Parade and was raving about it a bit too much... :oops: i guess that would mean i would like the later releases more?

so far i've heard Fiction, Skydancer & Of Chaos & Eternal Night. I think i like Fiction more. :rolleyes:

OK, so I'll say to you what I tell every new D.T. fan: Start with Projector, then Haven and so on, and then listen to the oldies.

The new album is a grower, without doubt. I absolutely hated it at first, but with the third listen I'm starting to love it. And in MySpace quality :p .
OK, so I'll say to you what I tell every new D.T. fan: Start with Projector, then Haven and so on, and then listen to the oldies.

The new album is a grower, without doubt. I absolutely hated it at first, but with the third listen I'm starting to love it. And in MySpace quality :p .

It took me 'til about the 8th listen to really start seeing the genius of it. Now I've had Arkhangelisk in my head all fucking day..

I think a lot of fans will be initially turned off by it, but the thing is that it's a smart move away from Fiction, IMO, because that sound is soooo tired, and they sound tired of it. Even where it comes through on the new album it doesn't have the same kind of majesty and addictiveness that you find on those mid-point records.

Like I say in my review: these guys are living legends. And I think they're revitalizing that legacy with the new album.
It took me 'til about the 8th listen to really start seeing the genius of it. Now I've had Arkhangelisk in my head all fucking day..

I think a lot of fans will be initially turned off by it, but the thing is that it's a smart move away from Fiction, IMO, because that sound is soooo tired, and they sound tired of it. Even where it comes through on the new album it doesn't have the same kind of majesty and addictiveness that you find on those mid-point records.

Like I say in my review: these guys are living legends. And I think they're revitalizing that legacy with the new album.

I totally understand you, believe me. For me, as a long time fan of Dark Tranquillity, it was a bit hard to get used to the new sound. Believe me, I was depressed after I listened to the album for the first time. I'm not going to comment more until I have the album, which should be arriving soon along with Borknagar's Universal :) :) . I think the package will be in my hands by next Wotan's day :headbang: .
Amorphis - The Lost Son

:lol: lol, guys who should i listen to now :p The story goes like this: a friend recommended DT to me because i'm so crazy about Fission's Pain Parade and was raving about it a bit too much... :oops: i guess that would mean i would like the later releases more?

so far i've heard Fiction, Skydancer & Of Chaos & Eternal Night. I think i like Fiction more. :rolleyes:

Their best is the Gallery. I think that's the closest thing you'll get to a consensus best DT album. I like the band a lot overall, but they've never come close to replicating the Gallery. That was one of the five best albums of the 1990s, and I wouldn't say that about any other DT album over the last 15 years.
^^ I personally think Haven is their best. My order would be: Haven > Fiction > Projector > The Gallery > Damage Done > Skydancer > Character > The Mind's I. I haven't got around to listening to the new album yet so I don't know where it stands in the list.
:lol: so many opinions as there are people :) ok, i'll let you know which one i like most once i've heard them all ;) pffff, and that's a lot to begin with o_O

about Amorphis, i cannot stop listening to From Earth I Rose, like this song has put me under some kind of spell o_O cannot remember the last time i ever played something on repeat... it's sooooo addictive!