The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Galar - Ván. Nice stuff. very windir/ulver/falkenbach-esque with good clean vocals - reminiscent of Lazare. Still sounds kinda original but at the same time I can hear influences clearly.
A piece written and performed by the legendary composer Bartok.

Listen to the brilliance and note choices, clearly ahead of his time.



another insane piece written by Bartok

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That's a shame, seems they have lost their magic ever since they got that new shit drummer.

Yeah, I think they lost their magic when they forgot that heavy metal requires some balls. This record is so complex, but there isn't a catchy melody on the whole thing. I was listening to Imaginations from the Other Side and I was just remind of what an amazing band they were. And there are whole MINUTES of song without overdubs! Just good thrash metal with some solid melodies. There were a couple of great songs on A Night at the Opera, but A Twist in the Myth was totally crap and this one is better, but still.. eh.

Plus, Wheel of Time sucks. They're running out of cool things to write.
I just read your Blind Guardian review, and 2.5 is an awful score. I'm now expecting the album to be a complete disaster with a 2.5. Their old drummer Thomas Stauch used to contribute to the songwriting, he quit the band because he didn't agree with the direction they wanted Blind Guardian to go for. So Thomas started Savage Circus which sounds like Blind Guardian's brother because you can hear the Blind Guardian in the music, and they are putting out much better records as of late.
I just read your Blind Guardian review, and 2.5 is an awful score. I'm now expecting the album to be a complete disaster with a 2.5. Their old drummer Thomas Stauch used to contribute to the songwriting, he quit the band because he didn't agree with the direction they wanted Blind Guardian to go for. So Thomas started Savage Circus which sounds like Blind Guardian's brother because you can hear the Blind Guardian in the music, and they are putting out much better records as of late.

Half the songs on the album are great. The other half? Not so great to bad. A lot of the other reviewers have been a lot more positive than me.

I didn't realize that Stauch was a writer. Do you have any ideas of songs he co-wrote?
Right now I'm listening the drum tracks for my upcoming album. Finally I'm in the final stages of recording, so I guess I'll release it at the end of august or something like that. Christophe Szpajdel sent me the new logo, so I can finish the artwork... I have to do a lot of things yet!
Half the songs on the album are great. The other half? Not so great to bad. A lot of the other reviewers have been a lot more positive than me.

I didn't realize that Stauch was a writer. Do you have any ideas of songs he co-wrote?

All of them( Stauch era). Stauch, as a founding member had a big part of the trademark Blind Guardian sound that has now been lost. He had input on arrangements and musical ideas. I heard he was kicked out of his band Savage Circus for health problems. Though i think it might be drugs but I can't say. Anyway, they need Stauch back in the band to have the original lineup, and to bring the chemistry magic they had as a unit force.
Right now I'm listening the drum tracks for my upcoming album. Finally I'm in the final stages of recording, so I guess I'll release it at the end of august or something like that. Christophe Szpajdel sent me the new logo, so I can finish the artwork... I have to do a lot of things yet!
Nice. Christophe did my Æthereal logo as well. Nice guy. Kinda fruity, but cool and an amazing artist.

All of them( Stauch era). Stauch, as a founding member had a big part of the trademark Blind Guardian sound that has now been lost. He had input on arrangements and musical ideas. I heard he was kicked out of his band Savage Circus for health problems. Though i think it might be drugs but I can't say. Anyway, they need Stauch back in the band to have the original lineup, and to bring the chemistry magic they had as a unit force.

Oh. Well shit. That might explain that. Sorta like the dude who left Depeche Mode. That band has never been the same since..
Nice. Christophe did my Æthereal logo as well. Nice guy. Kinda fruity, but cool and an amazing artist.

Yeah, very nice guy. Unusually nice.

Tonight I'll record guitars, hoping to finish all layers of one track.

Btw, how are you doing with your recordings? are you done with it and now it's all about mixing?

np:Cynic - Veil of Maya
Yeah, very nice guy. Unusually nice.

Tonight I'll record guitars, hoping to finish all layers of one track.

Btw, how are you doing with your recordings? are you done with it and now it's all about mixing?

np:Cynic - Veil of Maya

NP: Demiurg // Slakthus Gamleby

Send it along, I'd love to hear your stuff.

I'm waiting until I have monitors right now. I've been laying down some tracks but I'm still not sure about the drum sound or the guitar tone. I'm getting it worked out, but I've been dealing with some pretty annoying stuff and then my parents came to visit for the first time, so I've just been busy as hell.

Yeah, I fell off the map a bit... :(