The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Just bought their last LP. Man I love this song, playing it today for a hundred times. Especially the part to shout along with: 'Sloooowly the empires smash the din...' wow great!

I worked on the Incubate fest where Wardruna played last year (which was also great). Great guys.
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The Solefald title was announced a long time ago, the cover art is even released. No need to be afraid that the Indie henchmen are coming to take your kneecaps.


Edit: I just found the song titles at a webstore:

1 Song to the storm
2 Norse art of living
3 Tittentattenteksti [I'm guessing this is a made up word]
4 Battle sound, (Blackabilly)
5 The eucalyptus tree
6 The Red Death
7 [Maybe "Knowledge's Worth in the World" ]
8 Hill journey
10 To the Home Over the Ocean
:worship:OMG thnx so much for this! :worship: if i didn't eventually come here who knows when i would have finally discovered this news, as i'm not on bloody fckin facebook... which makes me really reconsider to leave bloody fckin myspace and join FB after all... :err:
Andy McKee - Dreamcatcher.

@Novembers: About the Bm stuff...some bands are trying to recapture the sound of their glory days. That can be good or bad depending of the reasons. If they are doing it for commercial reasons, it won't work, but if they just wanna do what they always liked to do, I guess they can pull out a couple of decent albums.

I'm half agreed with your opinion cause, even if it's true that the 'scene' it's not the same anymore, I think there are bands good enough to keep that 'scene' alive. Immortal is still doing that 'ATHOW'/'SOND' style of black metal and it's pretty good for their followers. Burzum is back and man, putting the NS stuff aside, you must recognize that the guy can still write and play quality black metal; Belus destroys most of the new 'Burzumic' bands spawned since mid 90's IMO. It's the same with Gorgoroth. I was never into the Gaahl-king era, 'twas just generic raw black metal, which you can find anywhere. I used to like that classical inspired riffwork featured on Antichrist and Quantos delivers exactly that classy touch - just the production sucks, but the songwriting is stellar. I think it's their best since Destroyer or even UTSOH. And Enslaved...well, they are going good evolving with each album. It's just like Borknagar who is more a progressive band than a black metal act nowadays. Gruttle is losing his voice too, which is sad, since he's one of my fav grim singers. About the new norwegian Bm bands, I think my fav is Code. It's a great Virus-Ved buens Ende-DHG combo.

This is what Satyricon should be doing, right?

My fav track from the new album:

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Lights Out Asia - Except Europa
In the Days of Jupiter (2010)

First listen of their new album. Despite being quite different in style compared to their earlier works, it's already obvious that it turned out to be another masterpiece in this band's discography. Can't wait for the physical copy to arrive, good thing I have this digital version to hold me over, gotta love the "buy cd and receive free download now"-policy from some record labels these days :)
Finally another buy-worthy release in 2010, and once again it's not metal :D
Yeah!!!! I think Nebula is good, but the new one left me speechless. I listened to it once, and felt things I never felt before (so gay hahaha). Really, a beautiful album. And look, they're from Israel! That explains the uncommon voice of the vocalist.

Yeah, I think that's awesome, because they kinda reminded me of Orphaned Land as well. Two of the best records of the year from Israel this year. That's awesome.
Yeah, I think that's awesome, because they kinda reminded me of Orphaned Land as well. Two of the best records of the year from Israel this year. That's awesome.

Really? I don't see the similarities at all, OL is much more "folk" oriented to be honest. Winterhorde seems like old school black, but very progressive and innovative in many senses. And I just love the guys voice; it reminds me of Mr V's: So unique.
Sanctum - Dragonfly
Lupus in Fabula (1996)

Fall is coming.. temperatures are decreasing, the sun is setting early, trees lose their leaves, many birds have migrated south. I just love this time of the year! This album somehow captures that mood perfectly.