The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Yeah it quickly became me fave too :kickass: .

Hey I really like Manes, listening to one of the songs from their site now. I tried to download some albums, but could only find Solve Et Coagula. Problem is, when I search in Tarrrringa I get a bunch of posts because some idiots write "manes" as a plural for "man" :rolleyes: .

That sounds more mexican, right?

I strongly recommend to all those avantgarde freaks 'How the World Came to an End'. Manes walked a similar path than Arcturus; being first a symphonic/atmospheric black metal band turning into a unique avantgarde entity.

Takling about avantgarde stuff, the new Vulture Industries is quite good, it sounds more original (or less derivative) than the debut. This time they decided to borrow some ideas from Diablo Swing Orchestra and the singer sounds almost exactly like Garm on LMI-Ulver's Marriage, but there are some unique components. To all of those who hated the band for the shameless Arcturus impersonations, check this new album, it may change your current impression of the band.

Np: Fleurety - Ingentes Atque Decorii Vexilliferi Apokalypsis. Another victim of avantgarde necromancy.
That sounds more mexican, right?

I strongly recommend to all those avantgarde freaks 'How the World Came to an End'. Manes walked a similar path than Arcturus; being first a symphonic/atmospheric black metal band turning into a unique avantgarde entity.

Takling about avantgarde stuff, the new Vulture Industries is quite good, it sounds more original (or less derivative) than the debut. This time they decided to borrow some ideas from Diablo Swing Orchestra and the singer sounds almost exactly like Garm on LMI-Ulver's Marriage, but there are some unique components. To all of those who hated the band for the shameless Arcturus impersonations, check this new album, it may change your current impression of the band.

Np: Fleurety - Ingentes Atque Decorii Vexilliferi Apokalypsis. Another victim of avantgarde necromancy.

Yeah, it's Mexican indeed. Most Mexicans speak with a lot of Anglicisms due to their geographic closeness to the US.

Yeah new Vulture seems, in general, more original than the last album.
Takling about avantgarde stuff, the new Vulture Industries is quite good, it sounds more original (or less derivative) than the debut. This time they decided to borrow some ideas from Diablo Swing Orchestra and the singer sounds almost exactly like Garm on LMI-Ulver's Marriage, but there are some unique components. To all of those who hated the band for the shameless Arcturus impersonations, check this new album, it may change your current impression of the band.
Me i LOVE the band for their very same shameless Arcturus impersonations, so yeah the new album was a bit disappointing. Although to expect even more of the same was also not very realistic... So yeah, in terms of own originality i guess it was a step in the right direction. I need to listen to it a bit more, but after the first time it seemed very solid.
^ Hey look, something from Portugal! Weird :p . Downloading now, thanks!

Portugar features some of the finest metal bands ever, like Moonspell, Desire and Sirius. The latter is very like Emperor ITNE' era. Their second - and sadly last - album sounds more original and for me it's how Emperor should have sound after Anthems.

Np: Ihsahn - A Grave Inversed. I love this track. I recall Lynch's Lost Highway anytime I hear it. After for me it's easily the best Ihsahn solo album. Even if he doesn't scream like he did on Emperor, I think that kind of evil black metal shriek it's not needed here, his current voice fits perfectly the music. Heck, for any black metal fan, the Cornelius' tortured vocal delivery can sound pathetic, isn't it?
Portuga features some of the finest metal bands ever, like Moonspell, Desire and Sirius. The latter is very like Emperor ITNE' era. Their second - and sadly last - album sounds more original and for me it's how Emperor should have sound after Anthems.

Np: Ihsahn - A Grave Inversed. I love this track. I recall Lynch's Lost Highway anytime I hear it. After for me it's easily the best Ihsahn solo album. Even if he doesn't scream like he did on Emperor, I think that kind of evil black metal shriek it's not needed here, his current voice fits perfectly the music. Heck, for any black metal fan, the Cornelius' tortured vocal delivery can sound pathetic, isn't it?

Yeah I know, but my point is that Portugal doesn't have many metal bands, or is a country that you'd recognise as having many bands.

A Grave Inversed is indeed a great track.
The Kovenant - Mirrors Paradise
Animatronic (1999)

"Time is running out... for the planet Earth."
And time is running out for The Kovenant to release Aria Galactica... :Smug:
^ Most disappointing album ever, imo. Followup to Nexus Polaris, which to me was one of the best albums of 1990s. One of the few albums I ever gave the "frisbee" treatment (meaning I tossed the CD as far as I could like a frisbee into the air. In its defense, animatronic went really, really far, and I only heard it smash to pieces since it landed a block away).

Anathema - A Simple Mistake
^ Most disappointing album ever, imo. Followup to Nexus Polaris, which to me was one of the best albums of 1990s. One of the few albums I ever gave the "frisbee" treatment (meaning I tossed the CD as far as I could like a frisbee into the air. In its defense, animatronic went really, really far, and I only heard it smash to pieces since it landed a block away).

Anathema - A Simple Mistake

I beg to differ, but Animatronic is one hell of an album. I guess that you simply don't like electronic stuff.

Therion: After The Inquisition: Children Of The Stone

OK, I finally managed to listen to the new album. It's quite lousy to be honest, much, much worse than Gothic Kabbalah. I guess my expectations were simply too high, but then again, there're only 4-6 good/great songs out of 11. It's just too bloody long, and for me the album starts to pick up until song 4 (Land of Canaan), which is, IMO, the best song of the album. And a really good song, that is, friends. However, the lack of the Nieman Bros. is noticeable and despite some brilliant passages, the album is mediocre.

Looking forward to the concert, though. They're playing 23 songs!!! Amongst them Wand of Abaris, which is one of my fave Therion songs.

Speaking of which, NP:

Therion: Wand of Abaris :)p)
I beg to differ, but Animatronic is one hell of an album. I guess that you simply don't like electronic stuff.

Therion: After The Inquisition: Children Of The Stone

OK, I finally managed to listen to the new album. It's quite lousy to be honest, much, much worse than Gothic Kabbalah. I guess my expectations were simply too high, but then again, there're only 4-6 good/great songs out of 11. It's just too bloody long, and for me the album starts to pick up until song 4 (Land of Canaan), which is, IMO, the best song of the album. And a really good song, that is, friends. However, the lack of the Nieman Bros. is noticeable and despite some brilliant passages, the album is mediocre.

Looking forward to the concert, though. They're playing 23 songs!!! Amongst them Wand of Abaris, which is one of my fave Therion songs.

Speaking of which, NP:

Therion: Wand of Abaris :)p)

Animatronic is awesome, you can headbang and dance with it at the same time! Some songs could have been easily included on Nexus - like Prophecies of Fire.

Therion will play live here and I'm not sure if I will attend the gig, since their latest releases have been terrible. The last album is insanely mediocre for their standards.



Animatronic is awesome, you can headbang and dance with it at the same time! Some songs could have been easily included on Nexus - like Prophecies of Fire.

Therion will play live here and I'm not sure if I will attend the gig, since their latest releases have been terrible. The last album is insanely mediocre for their standards.


Haha headbang and dance at the same time, never saw it that way. But it's certainly an album you can "dance" to.

You mentioned latest, didn't you like Gothic Kabbalah? The new album is really mediocre, the band is showing it's age and has, without doubt, stagnated. There are certainly moments of brilliance in the new album, but they're fewer than the mediocre parts.

If you check the setlist it's actually quite good, the best one I've seen in years; it has a great balance between the classics and the new ones. Heck, they don't play much of the new album and that's what makes me happy :Spin:.

Thanks for the Sirius vids, I'm totally in love with the band now.

Arch Enemy: Dead Eyes See no Future (live Tyrants)

As much as I dislike pop bands, they're one of the best ones I've ever seen live.
Haha headbang and dance at the same time, never saw it that way. But it's certainly an album you can "dance" to.

You mentioned latest, didn't you like Gothic Kabbalah? The new album is really mediocre, the band is showing it's age and has, without doubt, stagnated. There are certainly moments of brilliance in the new album, but they're fewer than the mediocre parts.

If you check the setlist it's actually quite good, the best one I've seen in years; it has a great balance between the classics and the new ones. Heck, they don't play much of the new album and that's what makes me happy :Spin:.

Thanks for the Sirius vids, I'm totally in love with the band now.

Arch Enemy: Dead Eyes See no Future (live Tyrants)

As much as I dislike pop bands, they're one of the best ones I've ever seen live.

Gothic Kabbalah was a disappointment; it doesn't completely suck, but it's very sub par to their legacy.

Sirius fucking rules! it's such a pity they split-up.

Np: other shit I really love, not really known and also split-up:

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Gothic Kabbalah was a disappointment; it doesn't completely suck, but it's very sub par to their legacy.

Sirius fucking rules! it's such a pity they split-up.

Np: other shit I really love, not really known and also split-up:

Really? I actually liked Gothic Kabbalah a lot.


Therion: Son of the Sun

After listening to the stuff of Lemuria and Sirius B, I can see that the latter are much more superior than GK. I really hadn't heard L/S-B in a long time, I'd forgotten how much I liked these albums. Too bad Kali Yuga II is not in the current setlist, it's probably one of my favourite songs of their entire discography.

Jai Ma Bhavatarini!

Yeah, Sirius is brilliant, reminds me of Arcturus's earliest stages.
I beg to differ, but Animatronic is one hell of an album. I guess that you simply don't like electronic stuff.

I love industrial... I love 8bit / 16bit midis even more... I quite like electronic music. =) I actually SAW Kovenant on tour for that album in Chicago. They were absolutely terrible. They emptied the floor, and Nagash said FUCK YOU to the crowd when he got off. Then Moonspell came on and everyone went fucking INSANE. ;) Moonspell may be one of the best bands I have ever seen live. I hesitate to say the best, because I saw Opeth last year at the beginning of their Watershed tour and it was absolutely mind blowing.

I don't think, on its own merits, it's a "bad" album. Just very pathetic shell of Nexus Polaris when you juxtapose the two.

Nightingale - Losing Myself
I love industrial... I love 8bit / 16bit midis even more... I quite like electronic music. =) I actually SAW Kovenant on tour for that album in Chicago. They were absolutely terrible. They emptied the floor, and Nagash said FUCK YOU to the crowd when he got off. Then Moonspell came on and everyone went fucking INSANE. ;) Moonspell may be one of the best bands I have ever seen live. I hesitate to say the best, because I saw Opeth last year at the beginning of their Watershed tour and it was absolutely mind blowing.

I don't think, on its own merits, it's a "bad" album. Just very pathetic shell of Nexus Polaris when you juxtapose the two.

Nightingale - Losing Myself

Ah that sucks, sad to hear the band was terrible live, and that they even said that to the public. Still, I guess you're kind of biased because of the concert.
This week, I have listened at work:

Windir - 1184
Abigor - Nachthymnen
Arathorn - Niemals Kroenender Als Was Einst War
Mithotyn - Gathered around the oaken table (I don't like this album) :bah: