The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Falkenbach - Heathen Foray
Heralding - The Fireblade (2005)

Just found out a new Falkenbach album is scheduled for release next January! Then I realized how long it's been since last time I listened to any of his brilliant music. In my opinion, his albums get better with each new release, so my expectations for the new one are very high :)
Enslaved: Lightening

As much as I like Borknagar, I think Enslaved's album is better. The production, without doubt, is. Just my first impression, but the new album is really gut.
at first the new Enslaved release didn't impress me that much. But after a few listens it grows massively on me! I think i like it now even more than Vertebrae, which i was a huge fan of! I never listened to Universal anymore since last march-april and don't feel the urge to do that either haha so for me obviously it doesn't even come close to Axioma! Even new Dimmu Burger release is better than Universal! *ducks away* :p:tickled:
at first the new Enslaved release didn't impress me that much. But after a few listens it grows massively on me! I think i like it now even more than Vertebrae, which i was a huge fan of! I never listened to Universal anymore since last march-april and don't feel the urge to do that either haha so for me obviously it doesn't even come close to Axioma! Even new Dimmu Burger release is better than Universal! *ducks away* :p:tickled:

:lol: heresy! Burn that witch! ;)

I agree that the new Dimmu was a pleasant surprise, even if it's pop and more and more Power (some keyboards are REALLY power), it was much better than I expected. Not great, but a pleasant surprise.

Yes, the same happened to me with Enslaved! (Hehe in one day….) I listend to it at first, and really liked the clear vocals. I was working so I was focusing more on my thesis than on the music. But I felt really hooked to it, and listened to it again. And again. I heard the album three times yesterday, it's brilliant! Pure genius, very passionate and great musicianship. It's amazing that after so many albums they continue to release such high-quality materials. I thought they'd never release anything better than Vertebrae, but it seems that I was wrong!

Falkenbach - Heathen Foray
Heralding - The Fireblade (2005)

Just found out a new Falkenbach album is scheduled for release next January! Then I realized how long it's been since last time I listened to any of his brilliant music. In my opinion, his albums get better with each new release, so my expectations for the new one are very high :)

This is great news!!! Falkenbach and Vintersorg, 2011 is off to a great start!
Mortiis - This Absolution
Perfectly Defect (2010)

New album, it's supposed to be a prelude to the forthcoming "The Great Deceiver", which has been in the works for several years now.
Very catchy, poppy industrial stuff. That's not necessarily a bad thing of course (for the open-minded music fan), in fact, I like it very much! Quite different from 2004's "The Grudge".
Best thing is that he has put it up for free download :)
Listening the hole Empyrium discography since i saw they are together again *_* And even better two new vàli songs + new empyrium song in the upcoming compilation 'Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings' :D:D:D
Enslaved - Giants

God. This album is so fucking good.


children of bodom - hate me!

I don't give a fuck, if you hate me! :p

COB nowadays sucks, but FtR is a great album.

Mortiis - This Absolution
Perfectly Defect (2010)

New album, it's supposed to be a prelude to the forthcoming "The Great Deceiver", which has been in the works for several years now.
Very catchy, poppy industrial stuff. That's not necessarily a bad thing of course (for the open-minded music fan), in fact, I like it very much! Quite different from 2004's "The Grudge".
Best thing is that he has put it up for free download :)

Nice, thanks for posting! I'm downloading it now, let's see how it is.
Listening to the following band's latest discs, while awaiting the new ones: :Smokin:

Vintersorg - Solens Rötter
Falkenbach - Heralding - The Fireblade
Sigurðr;9427468 said:
Dem Wind geboren -Dornenreich, this last album is great

Yeah, it's excellent. If you're interested, I'm selling Nachtreisen ltd. digi-book + In Luft Geritzt (with good 2nd cd) digi + signed card.

Lacrimosa: Malina

Nur erträumt
Doch so oft
Tief in mir
Schreit es laut
Nach dir

Hörst du nicht ?
Ich rufe flehend dich !
Zu halten brenne ich !
Zu lieben lebe ich !
Nur für Dich !
Siehst du nicht ?
Mein Herz erwartet dich !
Es kam zu lieben dich !
Doch jetzt verbrenne ich !
Siehst du nicht ?

Hier in mir
Scheint die Nacht
über dir
Und der Traum zerbricht
Wie so oft
im Licht

Hörst du nicht ?
Ich rufe ...

Ich glaube
Ich habe Angst
Vor dir - vor mir - vor uns

Ah, it's sad that I usually listen to Lacrimosa only when I feel depressed, it's such a great band. But these lyrics do reflect what I feel right now.