The Never Ending Now Playing Thread

Shining: Besvikelsens dystra monotoni

Really fucking, fuuuuuucking, fuuuucking pissed off right now. Reeeeaaaaaallly bloooooooodyyy angry. I guess this song helps a bit.

Sorry to hear that you're so pissed off. But that Shining track is fucking fantastic, isn't it? Love it.

NP: Drudkh // Handful of Stars — Definitely not Microcosmos, but alright.
Harvestman - Karlsteine
In a Dark Tongue (2010)

Second solo album by Neurosis co-founder Steve Von Till. "Post-apocalyptic folk doom sludge drone", it has been called by some. "Absolutely stunning" would also suffice :)
Off to the local record store tomorrow to pick up the limited 2xLP gatefold on gold vinyl.
Sorry to hear that you're so pissed off. But that Shining track is fucking fantastic, isn't it? Love it.

NP: Drudkh // Handful of Stars — Definitely not Microcosmos, but alright.

Yeah, it's the problem of living in a mediocre, third-world country. You try to do things the right way, and you get reprimanded. Go figure.
But yes, it's a great song, Niklas is one of those Black albums that I totally love. And the gal of the cover is really sexy :p .
just discovered this great band called Intronaut - "They play progressive metal with harsh vocals combined with progressive and jazzy instrumental breaks. Their sound incorporates traits from sludge metal, jazz and death metal." (according to

NP: Intronaut // Valley of Smoke - great new release! I totally love it! reminds me a lot of Isis, and a bit of Enslaved. Now i need to check out their older releases...
Hard to get over V, but everything before it is very, very good. Still V is the band's crowning achievement IMO.

Oh yeah, no doubt about that. By "moving beyond" I meant something in the lines of "let's listen to the rest of the stuff". V is such an incredible album, the lyrics (Låt oss ta allt från varandra) are brilliantly written; the music is very, very sad but goes straight to the gut with superb melodies and the riffs are so powerful that it makes you headbang… with the sadness. And the cover makes me horny. Hehe.
^ Ohhhh it's out!!! Will try to download now!

In Vain: Wayakin [again hehe]

Wish my iPod hadn't gone all kaputt when I was in the mountains here in Colorado, but I can picture myself there and listening to this. It does take me there. What a great song (soon to be featured in my blog!)