The nu metal equation

Ayeka said:
Dude, you're cool, but here you are so full of shit! Blaze Bayley fucking kicks ass man. X Factor rocks.
OK let me clarify:

The X Factor (some cool songs, & vocals that were subpar when compared to Bruce).

There is no doubt, however, that Blaze is a force to be reckoned with on his own terms & conditions - in my opinion, the Silicon Messiah is indeed a better record than both X Factor and Virtual XI.
Now you're talking :cool: BLAZE the band are indeed most excellent. I love the power Blaze has in his voice, no-one else really sounds quite like him. One reason why I like The X Factor so much - it's something different for Maiden. Different voice, different mood. He may not scream like Bruce but he's got his own quality to him.
Well, to me, that's what makes listening to The X Factor so frustrating for me. All they had to do was play in a different key and the whole vocal mess would be resolved. I'm hoping you can see how much better Blaze sounds on, say, Silicon Messiah compared to X Factor, yeah? I mean, let's face it, it's a substantial difference in vocal quality. And you know why? Because the songs were written for HIS range.

The X Factor, on the other hand, was written for Bruce's range as everyone knows, and that is totally Steve Harris's fault for (a) writing songs in the wrong key, and (b) not noticing this debacle in the recording studio before he gave the finished product the green light.

If The X Factor was played to support Blaze's vocals, as opposed to corner him into an alien octave, I would rate the album much higher than I do.
In all honesty I have never noticed that album to be out of key - not that I understand the concept of it anyway. In this case, ignorance is truly bliss :cool:

If there was one thing I'd critique about that album and Virtual XI, it would be the "Iron Maiden 101" style of songwriting - mellow intros, repitition of riffs in the longer songs, the harmonies and singalong parts - that features predominantly. BLAZE sound great doing their own thing, their own little brand of trad. Heavy Metal, and Blaze Bayley sounds so great thanks in part to that, I guess. The X Factor still rules but you can tell there's some resting on laurels going on (I know this appears to contradict what I said about being different for Maiden - I'll remind you that regarded vocals and atmosphere! :blush: )

So, I don't have no grudge against Blaze for the songs in the wrong key, but there are some songwriting issues that do detract somewhat, I think.

This be interesting to see if any of that made sense (or relevance) >_<

I suppose it has to be said...if the album was in key...hmmm, much more ass would that kick? Rerecorded like that with some Martin Birch style production...if Steve Harris needs another cash-in I think he'd be onto a winner there :D
Demonspell said:
Now that's going too far...especially since Powerslave is the greatest song Bruce has ever penned IMO (Revelations and Tears of the Dragon are close...)
I agree that Revelations and Powerslave are some of Bruce's best tracks and two of Iron Maiden's VERY best -- strangely, my very favourite IM tracks tend to be those Bruce has had a hand in musically...

markgugs said:
Erik, did the Testament show arrive? I hope so. I'm recording them tonight, btw. :grin:
Yeah, it did, thanks a lot! I'm listening to DISCIPLESOFTHEWATCH! right now... See Latest Purchases thread for more. :grin: Oh, and it'd be great if you could share that Testament show also later, maybe BitTorrent it or something or I could pay you a couple of bucks to send a CD-R.
Bringing this back to topic a bit.

Just borrowed Linkin Park - Meteora from a friend ... this record is really damn good. I always liked the attitude of these kids, very low key and humble in interviews. No idiot posing ....

But this record is great, Lying from You is an awesome tune and really there are no fillers on here at all. Will try to listen to their deput also.
Oh man, I cannot STAND Linkin Park. :ill: That screamer/singer dude though, he actually has a decent voice. While I find his normal schtick grating to my poor eardrums, I have some track of him doing a ballad type song and he sounds great.