The Official Awesome 80s Shred Guitar Thread!

Yeah you guys don't even know how much Dime had an influence on my fuckign LIFE. I heard Fucking Hostile when I was FOUR. Really pissed I never got to see them once.

I can live through you guys' stories I guess.

Dime fucking rules , I saw Damageplan 3 days before Dime was killed. He rocked that night ! Glad I made that show because friends of mine didn't go and then regretted they would never get the chance again
I <3 John Sykes' singing and songwriting and rhythm playing, but post-Whitesnake his 'shredding' is almost always the least enjoyable part of the song. :(
Now this was the shit! Ibanez NAMM Jam 1993



(Notice gilbert is playing lefty, he SANG his solo through the pickups
watch all his videos:



he's got a very unique and interesting style.
loving his finger+pick+whammy picking

EDIT: just saw recemgsol mentioned him already.
he's way underrated (not recemgsol, firkins I mean of course)
Glad to see some love for Michael Lee Firkins. A VERY underrated guitarist. I was just about to mention him and was glad to see someone beat me to it. :)

Another underrated guitarist and a student of Randy Rhoads: Chet Thompson of Hellion. I never liked the singer but was always a pleasure to listen to the guitar work. (solo starts around 2:34)

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Can't forget Eddie the guy is a genius without doubt , love VH early shit .
Also I don't see Dime as an 80's guitar hero but since he got a mention
I have to say he is the shit and always will be .
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Here's a Dime solo for you. Except back then, it wasn't was Diamond. This has got to be my favorite solo from him. The first time I heard it it gave me goosebumps...and 20 something years later, it still does.

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Do I REALLY have to be the 1st one to mention Friedman in this thread?

After 3 fucking pages?

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