The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread

Hey that was pretty good. Now all you need is one of those female opera singers and you'll be rich.... fast cars, fast women, good times...
I've made two songs so far that i've uploaded on Myspace, check them out! (The link is in the sig)
Rockin' man! I had my speakers way up and that first tune just blasted my face off, haha! Though to be honest, I'm not sure if your gory, dark song titles fit with your epic, uplifting music... I'm sitting here pumping my fist and smiling to songs called "Exhumed Dismemberment" and "Messianic Defecation." :lol: Still, the songs are total headbangers, and your playing is awesome.

Oh, I put another thing up on mine. It's a Bach thing.
Rockin' man! I had my speakers way up and that first tune just blasted my face off, haha! Though to be honest, I'm not sure if your gory, dark song titles fit with your epic, uplifting music... I'm sitting here pumping my fist and smiling to songs called "Exhumed Dismemberment" and "Messianic Defecation." :lol: Still, the songs are total headbangers, and your playing is awesome.

Oh, I put another thing up on mine. It's a Bach thing.

You sound like my dad :lol: Judging from the feedback i've been getting, i will probably be changing the titles for the forthcoming stuff! :ill:

Really appreciate the feedback though, so thanks to both of you!
Well man, stick to your guns. I was just giving you my impression, but at the end of the day, they're your songs.

What kind of gear are you using?

Ibanez JEM7V through a PODxt pretty much, i do use an Ibanez TS infront of the POD for some parts.
So whats Jeff using ?

and more importantly what program does everyone/anyone use to record. I have a fair amount of stuff I'm ready to get after but know nothing about recording on to the computer. I need to start using recording as a tool to help me complete my ideas.
Jeff, I'm lovin' the FF3 Battle music. This is fuckin' rock. But if only you had real bass and drums. :( Either way, still fuckin' crazy. But what did you use for distortion? It sounds too good for stock Pro Tools distortion. (does Pro Tools even have any plugins?)

And what's that at the beginning of Power of Phantoms? Is it guitar, or some kind of crazy organ effect?
Man that FF3 battle music owns. I always like that song. Hook me up with tabs or the link or whatever. The rest of your shiz is awesome too.

@ inhe

Damn good stuff man, loving it.