The official brutal death metal thread


Sep 12, 2002
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I wanna find out what you guys like these days. No melodic death metal with heavy metal riffs please (feel free to start a new thread for that kind of music).

Today I have been listening to these and I cannot recommend them too much:

DECREPIT BIRTH - ...And Time Begins
WORMED - Planisphaerium
MENTAL HORROR - Proclaiming Vengeance
DEBODIFIED - Utopia in the Eyes of a Beast
Of those, i've been listening to Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, Debodified and Mental Horror.....and i'd actually recommend all three.

SCD don't offer anything new, but they're still a kickass example of deathgrind done right. Their lyric and title-less take is interesting also.

Mental Horror can be quite tiresome, but Proclaiming Vengeance has excellent intermittent mood-setting guitar tracks which work well, so i'd recommend the album as a whole for a listen.....they've got some disturbing melodies and solos lurking around in that non-stop 1000mph chaos.

Debodified.....I can't recommend them enough to people. They've got a Suffocation-like chug and complexity to them, but far more catchy. Utopia in the Eyes of a Beast has an awesome bottom end that shakes the room, the songs twist and turn like a python around catchy but heavy as hell chugging riffs, and the drumming is absolutely breathtaking in its expressive style. I think every brutal DM head should check out Debodified.

Apart from them, the only extreme stuff i've been spinning in the last couple days would be Cryptopsy's None So Vile (of course), Neuraxis' Truth Beyond which is an amazing if slightly flawed masterpeice..... Disgorge - Cranial Impalement, which is excellent....probably better than She Lay Gutted.....Yattering - Genocide and Murder's Concept which have both been really growing on me as of late.....they're conceptually interesting and crafted with conviction, and there's a lot of little touches here and there that keep my attention. They play technical death metal in the vein of fellow countrymen Vader and Decapitated, but they feel much more stilted and awkward, which can be both a good and bad thing.... Nasum - Helvete, which has caught my ear for a couple tracks but not totally captured me yet and Retch's Ben-Wa Baby Heads, which is rather disappointing after the fairly original Reinsertion of Aborted Remnants MCD. (which i'd recommend). Good, clinical, cold drum programming.
Brutal death? Most of my favorite bands are some of the more well known brutal death metal bands:

Cannibal Corpse

Some of the more underground brutal dm I like:

Internal Bleeding
Retch's Ben-Wa Baby Heads, which is rather disappointing after the fairly original Reinsertion of Aborted Remnants MCD. (which i'd recommend). Good, clinical, cold drum programming.

Ben-Wa Baby Heads = rapidfire jackhammer hits to the side of your face

Unbelievably bass-heavy and punishing.
Happy to hear someone likes Retch and Disgorge. I think I am gonna stick in Consume the Forsaken when I am properly awake. As for Yattering, they have some transcendental moments in their music but also some other I could live without. Still a good band, many other bands would be very happy if they had their skill (if not songwriting).
I saw Decapitated - 'Winds of Creation' in my local store today, but I wasn't sure what they were like.

So - what are they like, and should I snap it up fast before someone else buys it?

High On Maiden said:
I saw Decapitated - 'Winds of Creation' in my local store today, but I wasn't sure what they were like.

So - what are they like, and should I snap it up fast before someone else buys it?


Definitely pick this up. Decapitated is probably my favourite DM band together with Cryptopsy and Cannibal Corpse. "Winds Of Creation" is groovy, brilliant death metal - one of the albums that lit my DM flame, so to say :)

Lately, I've been listening to:

Abhorrence (The Brazilians, not the Finnish)
Autopsy - Mental Funeral
Cannibal Corpse - Worm Infested, Gore Obsessed, Tomb Of The Mutilated (timeless classic!) and Bloodthirst
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh
Pessimist - Cult Of The Initiated
Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten
High On Maiden said:
I saw Decapitated - 'Winds of Creation' in my local store today, but I wasn't sure what they were like.

So - what are they like, and should I snap it up fast before someone else buys it?


Yeah ill second the Depapitated recommendation there a top quality young band definitely worth checking out i love both there albums but Winds Of Creation is there best for me :D

If your thinking of buying any of there albums youll get them cheaper direct from there label earache £7.85 each free postage too.
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This week I are been mostly listenin' to:

Decrepit Birth - ...And Time Begins
Deeds of Flesh - Reduced To Ashes
Houwitser - Damage Assessment
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines

I've been listening to a lot more Jazz and Drum 'n Bass than metal this week.
Well, before I even read a reply I decided to go off and buy it! haha

It is really good, I'm glad I made the right decision!

My 'brutal' death collection so far is this:

Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Decapitated - Winds of Creation
Suffocation - Despise the Sun

Pretty pitiful so far, I know! What should I get next? :D
High On Maiden said:
Well, before I even read a reply I decided to go off and buy it! haha

It is really good, I'm glad I made the right decision!

My 'brutal' death collection so far is this:

Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Decapitated - Winds of Creation
Suffocation - Despise the Sun

Pretty pitiful so far, I know! What should I get next? :D
Origin - Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas
Aeternus - Ascension Of Terror
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines

You should definitively enjoy those.
High On Maiden said:
Pretty pitiful so far, I know! What should I get next? :D
Get Brodequin, the album Festival of Death (although Instruments of Torture is great too, on that one you can hear better what is going on). They spoiled me real bad when I first heard them and I fell in love with this kind of music instantly. Or at least download some of their mp3's and give both albums a chance. You will either love the way they hammer you into the floor or you will begin to detest this kind of music completely. :)
Im not huge on brutal death but i have albums by...

Bolt Thrower
Vital Remains
Hate Eternal
Morbid Angel
Council of the Fallen
MardyAss said:
Guys! Definately check out Aeon666 on, these guys fucking own!

Did so a while ago. They're not THAT good, though.

@ Naggamanteh: I own Brodequin's "Instruments Of Torture". I guess it'd be a good album if it was possible to actually hear the riffs! It's impossible to decipher the riffs, and I think the bass drums are way too loud in the mix. The production is very weak imo.