That CD was underwhelming. I ended up selling it.
good thing I havn't bought it yet then
I have a burned copy of it and I think it's good stuff. Nothing amazing, but solid.
That CD was underwhelming. I ended up selling it.
You two fags are queers, the Lamp of Thoth are grand
This band is horrific. Damn you for posting them
That album is great, how is the first one? I'm always lolling at the song title: "Hello" on that one. ; DEveryone should buy Dreaming - II. Great album. Very warm feeling.
as long as he isn't a fag though.
Well, he did post a link to The Wizar'd, so there goes that
In all seriousneseses's's', someone sent me their E.P "Follow the Wizard" and I abhorred it. It did show some potential, but I thought it was baaaaaad[/sheep]
Yeah anyone with a AoS avatar and Pale Divine sig is worthy... as long as he isn't a fag though.