The OFFICIAL FIFA World Cup 2006 Thread

Who will win the FIFA World Cup?

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Lithium said:
ooo ma che cazzo voiiii??????? XD
fattela na canna, ciccio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O
ma che davero, a cazzo, così XD XD XD buahauahauahauaha

straniero d merda senza storia e senza onore, se nun fosse stato pe noi romani COL CAZZO CHE C AVEVATE LA CIVILTààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà XD XD XD

Italia caput mundi, l artri pe secundi. XD
ambra lascia perdere... è una perdita di tempo inutile! mi gira solo la minchia perchè mi sento dire che non parlo inglese, ma fanculo... soliti pregiudizi... pizza pasta mandolino e mafia... si si, proprio così... ma alla fine ci penso e WHO GIVERS A FUCK XD

I didn't want brazil out, shit... I adore brazil!!! and same thing for england... now the only team I hope to win is italy... I hope not france or germany, anyway...
This sucks

Germany - It's in the genes to be against them, but I think they will win
Portugal - B-actors, I don't like them with their fucking acting
Italy - Did not deserve to win from Australia
France - :erk:

Guess I'm not watching any matches anymore this cup.
Germany look like they are going to win, France have a chance too though, but they don't deserve it because they hardly got through the group stages.
Italy will not win because they simply arn't good enough, German's are on top form. France have just found their form and are looking strong, Portugal shouldn't have even won against England.