The Official Good Television Thread

Yeah, I don't like Littlefinger either. Total weasel and his actor (who also sucks) doesn't help.

I was just telling my younger brother earlier that I don't understand what's so great about Jon Snow. Dull personality and I never really look forward to his scenes.
I'm staying open-minded. A few trusted sources of mine absolutely loved it. A lot of people hated the ending of The Sopranos and I personally thought it was perfect.
Varys fan here also.

My biggest problem with Jon Snow isn't the character himself or the actor but that he's a stereotypical hero character that you know will make it out of every situation and so it's hard to care about him.

Ultimately my favourite characters are the Greyjoys and The Hound. Ramsay Bolton is also fun to watch because he's such a scumbag with no depth to his depravity.

Yeah, Sansa sucks. I even like Joffrey more than her.

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Yeah, I only ever really liked Jon Snow's arc with Ygritte. Other than that, I just found him to be the dull and boring "hero" character.

Ramsay is pretty amusing. Hard to decide whether or not I like him though.
Hot Pie forever

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I've found The OA to be surprisingly endearing. The second season has definitely plunged into more interesting speculative territory, whereas the first season was a bit more reserved in its fantasy elements. I really liked the first season's atmosphere. It had an air of isolation, or separateness--as though its setting was dislocated from the world. The half-built, post-2008 environment of the subdivision supported that atmosphere, I think.

The second season has more of a Pynchonian vibe, especially given the private investigator plot line (which takes place in California, no less). The dislocation isn't there anymore, but it's a welcome shift in tone.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it. It's not mind-blowing or anything, but it's well-executed and just weird enough to pique my interest.
Just started this, looks interesting.
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This is an awesome show, tits and mutilated vaginas

and I did not know germans were so fucking attractive holy shit

edit: hit a really fucking sick plot twist just now oh god I love it wow!
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I’m watching Dark season 1 right now, so far so good

Episode 3 has a dude playing fucking PLEASURE TO KILL on vinyl, this show is legit