the official "What did you eat today?" thread


also, I noticed an extreme amount of boobs in all the pictures on the walls, and I also saw that picture of a baby giving the middle finger. classy joint!
I can't believe I read this entire thread to catch up :P Bad eating day today. Special K with Berries, ... half a cheeseburger from my niece's Happy Meal, ... and nothing. It's too fucking hot to cook. Oh yes, there was a caffeine-free diet coke in there someplace. that my niece drank 1/2 of :)

I must make something impressive enough to photograph.... even if it is just that big polska kielbasa I got caught on the webcam with last year with Jason, Johnny and Vicky :P
Yesterday I had nothing for breakfast because I got up about 5 minutes before I had to go to work. For lunch I had a chicken Caeser salad, with left over chicken and some lemon meringue pie thanks to my nice co-worker. Then I didn't eat for another 11 hours due to work and band practice, then I had a nice salmon/peas/beans/potatoes dinner. I was still hungry so I took two ginger cookies that my mom had made and spread nutella on them and made a sweet (literally) little sandwich.
Dead_Lioness said:
My dinner:


DL's always got the goods...
BTW, what was that dish in the little square metal can during your home visit?
Will Bozarth said:
i love both, but that just sounds disgusting

After seeing your 4th of July layout I'm sure you could handle sir...
I recommend asbestos undies ;)