the official "What did you eat today?" thread

You have to be stoned out of your mind to eat WHite Castle. I hate fast food, but White Castle is among the worst.
Harold And Kumar was funny as hell though. My favorite line was in Princetone when they were running from the security guards and they passed by the party that they skipped out on. They saw that kid on the table with a big bag o' weed screaming "who wants some Buddah?!"
Or in the bathroom when those girls are playing Battleshits. "You sunk my battleshit!"
Oh my god the laptops working again hello hello this is me again please someone help us reply to this get help we are still here there has been no sign of rescue yet please get to us now I feel so weak I have not eaten for days please I am begging you make contact bef
EGOR said:
Oh my god the laptops working again hello hello this is me again please someone help us reply to this get help we are still here there has been no sign of rescue yet please get to us now I feel so weak I have not eaten for days please I am begging you make contact bef

....ore things get too sexy?
Kvlt Wench said:
Hello thank you thank you so much for making contact the plane came down I dont know when a forced landing one of the passengers got some power at the planes emergency light its connected to the laptop now we should be able to give you information to send out for help please we need medical supplies urgently and food you may be our last hope th
EGOR said:
Hello thank you thank you so much for making contact the plane came down I dont know when a forced landing one of the passengers got some power at the planes emergency light its connected to the laptop now we should be able to give you information to send out for help please we need medical supplies urgently and food you may be our last hope th

...e zombies are craving your sex?
Kvlt Wench said:
this fucking laptop is fucked Im telling you shhhh jeaus no wait look its on now dont nobody move all stay still because when someone moves it flickers and dies okay now everybody stay still I will type slowly hello again thank you for making ccccjjudjd fuck the words are fucking up hdyakak who is this pile of crap anyway gsyshs h dont nobody have expensive laptops on planes anymore wait stay still hgyfhds ban fucking pile of shit nrhyenw crapndd frus japaneze bastards lookk heelp eepleaase ehhety hheellppp us erhyncjaa fhfnwis
cgdta dd d shitt fuckjfdDDUYadi csnjnln right thats it fuck it no fuck shit stay still everyone dont fucking move its normal again stay the fuck still and that means everyone I w i l l t y p e s l o w l y y e s i t s w o r k i n g n o w m y g o d i t s w o r k i