The one song that represents Black Metal most for you

Det Som Engang Var > Hvis Lyset Tar Oss > Tomhet > Inn I Slottet Fra Droemmen

Tomhet is his greatest ambient song imo.
Well I ripped one song from the my original 1994 disc and downloaded one song from the 1999 remaster and there is a difference yeah, the guitar is more upfront. I must admit that I never bothered comparing those until today.

1994 - I Am The Black Wizards
1999 - I Am The Black Wizards

I downloaded the '94 track you posted and compared it to the remaster that I own, and the difference is almost negligible. The guitars are a little bit louder on the remaster but not enough to notice the difference unless the two versions were played consecutively, as they were when I just compared them.

However, I would like to track down an original copy of that album, for collector's value at least.
So true. :lol:

Oh, and "A Fine Day to Die" by Bathory is also a good choice in my opinion.
That would be my second choice, after the song 'Die in Fire' which was the first black metal song that got me interested in Bathory (or bm period) - it's a catchy song with a catchy rhythm. The first Bathory tapes I owned were recorded from recorded tapes. They were raw as hell.
Kroda rules for being the only band I can think of to cover a song from Filosofem without using a German title.
Especially when all versions of Filosofem come with an insert that has the correct song titles, which are a combination of Norwegian and English.