the only reason why katatonia won't ever be chart breakers...

Yup, I think Katatonia could be big. It would be nice if someone would have some faith in them and get them on some tours. I was talking to some douche bag from Century Media about bands to be main support for a Lacuna Coil headlining tour in the US and I told him Katatonia would be perfect.He said Katatonia cant draw so it wont be worth trying to get them. Then he tells me that Katatonia are one of his favorite bands! Does anyone have any faith in Katatonia?? I mean what the fuck??!! Cant draw.....they dont need to fucking draw if they are the support band, they are there to get more fans!
Most people that I play Katatonia for end up becoming a fan. The band needs exposure and the only way to get that is to tour. Peaceville needs to put some fucking money into Katatonia and get them out there. I wish I was rich so I could do it myself. Katatonia has huge potential and people need to realize it.
I may make a push to get the word out about Katatonia the way I did with Opeth when nobody knew who the hell they were. Every little bit helps, really. Although, I usually mention Katatonia to people as one of my favourite bands.
everyone i show katatonia to loves them, the newer stuff anyway.

They have quite a mainsteam rock sound really, and no thats not an insult.
I could tottaly see them being huge if someone had the faith as others have said to put a bit of money behind them. They make great music with catchy hooks and great lyrics which nearly everyone can relate to at least some part of there life with.

At least this time there is going to be a video which is a step. but i fear that it will just end up on the website and not on TV's
Anthony3 said:
I was talking to some douche bag from Century Media about bands to be main support for a Lacuna Coil headlining tour in the US and I told him Katatonia would be perfect.He said Katatonia cant draw so it wont be worth trying to get them.

Oh my... LACUNA COIL??? ... Blasphemous!!! ... *shocked*
imo they don't fit to Lacuna Coil in any fuckin' way ... and I don't know any people liking both bands seriously at the same time... ... beside that Katatonia are waaay too good for this ... this ... band *graaaaaaargh* ... [I saw them twice this year on the festivals... it just needed 5 minutes to get lots of people - me included - annoyed by their "Ha, we're big in America! Now you lousy Europeans show us in what way you're better"-attitude and... and ... no, stop... this is just gonna get me angry again...]

I would say one reason why Katatonia won't ever be chartbreakers is, that they're too good :Smug: I don't remember any real good band breaking the charts constantly... maybe once or twice... but is this really necessary? I mean the amount of Katatonia-Fans is growing constantly without any charts... and these are the people really interested in the music *hmm*
BloodySwan said:
I would say one reason why Katatonia won't ever be chartbreakers is, that they're too good :Smug: I don't remember any real good band breaking the charts constantly... maybe once or twice... but is this really necessary? I mean the amount of Katatonia-Fans is growing constantly without any charts... and these are the people really interested in the music *hmm*

100% agreed!
I was playing in a band for a while whose bandmembers where lacuna coil and Him fans...(one also knew personally Lacuna Coil members) and they wanted to make this kind of music...and go on stage dressed like typical goths and this kind of attitude. I made them listen to Kata, but they weren´t so impressed..said they were too depressing...that Lacuna Coil was that´s one of the reasons why I didn´t get along with them and left the band...Now they are kind of Evanescence copies, blahhh!

chart breakers usually suck...that´s why katatonia won´t become this kind of bands..
It all depends from the hype, there are many people that still don´t know about katatonia only because there isn´t enough promotion.
I mean you can´t easily find their cd´s around, you don´t read everyday about them in the magazines, can´t listen to them on the how could they draw people to concerts if many people don´t know about them??
About the Him comparison, this band has built a lot of its success on their image (even if the music is not so bad), on the connection with goth and so on..could you imagine Jonas with make up and all those tatoos..writing cheese lyrics?oh god, that would be ridicoulous! He ´s just on the scene as he is in the everyday life, so he´s not building a particular carachter...ok he ´s not like Mike Åkerfeldt that knows how to entertain the audience and so on, Jonas is not a person that seems to be at ease on stage actually..he´s not a show man..but that ´s what kata fans like, because it´s perfect for the music they make and he can sing with such intensity and feeling, especially when he closes his eyes…that you don´t care if he entertains the audience or not…
Anyways on stage it´s Anders who does the show, we I think they are all together incredible also "visually" speaking…it´s a pleasure to watch them and to listen to them.
So Kata is not a "trendy" band, because they don´t need to build an image, the music speaks itself. Take Porcupine Tree, Steve Wilson is just a common modest guy, simple, even on stage he´s normal, quiet…but the music attracts so many people becasue is beautiful…
So I feel that Katatonia could be big like Porcupine Tree or Opeth for example, only if they had more support from a label.
hmm..Stuff usually gets into the charts because its a trend, not because its good. ie. linkin park, papa roach etc...
Good bands getting into the charts isnt a good thing, IMO, because the new fans arnt music fans, they are just trend followers. Personally I wouldnt want to see Katatonia getting dragged through the charts with all the manufactured crap. And I certainly dont want their music to be molested by companies using it in advertisments for fucking mars bars!
BloodySwan said:
Oh my... LACUNA COIL??? ... Blasphemous!!! ... *shocked*
imo they don't fit to Lacuna Coil in any fuckin' way ... and I don't know any people liking both bands seriously at the same time... ... beside that Katatonia are waaay too good for this ... this ... band *graaaaaaargh* ... [I saw them twice this year on the festivals... it just needed 5 minutes to get lots of people - me included - annoyed by their "Ha, we're big in America! Now you lousy Europeans show us in what way you're better"-attitude and... and ... no, stop... this is just gonna get me angry again...]

Yeah, you are out of your mind. Most of the people I know that like Lacuna Coil also like Katatonia. Quit letting your love for Katatonia cloud your brain. It doesn't matter how great you think Katatonia is because the fact is that they are not know in the US and to make them know they need to tour as support for other bands. Lacuna Coil sells out clubs all over the US and having Katatonia there would get them a lot of new fans.
Lacuna Coil having an attitude? Yeah right. I know the band personally and there is no attitude coming from them. They are some of the nicest and down to earth people I have ever met. If you want to hate Lacuna Coil then go right ahead but a Lacuna Coil/Katatonia US tour would greatly benefit Katatonia.
ether said:
So Kata is not a "trendy" band, because they don´t need to build an image, the music speaks itself. Take Porcupine Tree, Steve Wilson is just a common modest guy, simple, even on stage he´s normal, quiet…but the music attracts so many people becasue is beautiful…
So I feel that Katatonia could be big like Porcupine Tree or Opeth for example, only if they had more support from a label.

jptk said:
And I certainly dont want their music to be molested by companies using it in advertisments for fucking mars bars!
*hehe* good comparison (; ...

Anthony3 said:
Yeah, you are out of your mind. Most of the people I know that like Lacuna Coil also like Katatonia. Quit letting your love for Katatonia cloud your brain. It doesn't matter how great you think Katatonia is because the fact is that they are not know in the US and to make them know they need to tour as support for other bands. Lacuna Coil sells out clubs all over the US and having Katatonia there would get them a lot of new fans.
Lacuna Coil having an attitude? Yeah right. I know the band personally and there is no attitude coming from them. They are some of the nicest and down to earth people I have ever met. If you want to hate Lacuna Coil then go right ahead but a Lacuna Coil/Katatonia US tour would greatly benefit Katatonia.
Oh come ooon!!! No need to feel offended! You're completely exaggerating!
And by the way I did not say that I don't like them musically... did I? And I did not say that they aren't cool guys... did I? Though I was quite annoyed and disappointed by their shows [I was speaking of the attitude on stage] I had absolutely no problems with them personally... and you're right, they're nice and down to earth... private.
I think I just stepped into the trap I always thought about... it depends on how high a band is on demand [?] in which country... over here LC are somehow worn out [which was easy to see on last years tour with Moonspell, Poisonblack and Passenger]... maybe their next release will change that... and Katatonia are (well) known. And where you live it's the opposite so I see ... it may have made sense to put both together... but not over here (;
But that's no surprise... I'm so totally up in clouds ... *hehe*
i have some friends, who usually listen to hip-hop or house, but since i introduced them to Katatonia (new style of course), they became fans almost immediately. one of them even knows the whole VE lyrics better than me! :lol:
he also promised to go to a Katatonia concert if they cross southern germany next year (hopefully). so i see no problems for the band to become more popular . the only thing that lacks is a strong promotion and a video regularly played on Viva and other music channels...
MountainDweller said:
I may make a push to get the word out about Katatonia the way I did with Opeth when nobody knew who the hell they were. Every little bit helps, really. Although, I usually mention Katatonia to people as one of my favourite bands.
ditto... and now look how much more well-known Opeth is. Katatonia is sure to get some widespread recognition, especially with the new album.
Some interesting comments here.

I do not think that Peaceville are the problem, they are a hugely respected label and Katatonia fit well with what they do. They have good distribution and the releases are out there.

I have been fortunate enough to see Katatonia live a few times, they have always turned out a great performance. I would like to see them play live with Opeth again (possibly even an exclusive Bloodbath number?!) as they did a few years ago. Actually, I would have loved a Sentenced/Katatonia tour... A couple of good tours would be a great way to get their name out there some more. Tours and supporting slots are not always that simple though, it can cost a band a serious amount of money to get on certain bills...

I also refute the point about Lacuna Coil and Katatonia being too different for one person's taste. I too love both bands and have for many years. HIM bashing may be fashionable, but they are another fantastic band that pull on the same fanbase. I have seen many people say that HIM know nothing about metal... isn't To Separate The Flesh From The Bones a side-project involving one of them?

This year has been the year for Opeth, they have got to where I have believed (for the last 10 years) they are destined. They have the column-inches, distribution, sales and [most importantly] respect. They have worked hard, released album after album of quality music and that hard work has paid off.

I think 2006 could be the year for Katatonia.
Sater said:
But they need more printspace. Even zines who give their albums high scores don't interview them.

"Viva Emptiness" was on #1-position in Metal Hammer's album reviews! But obviously there was someone else on the cover.

Still, I don't necessarily want Katatonia to break the charts. It would be cool if they got more attention and made some good money, but I suppose no one here seriously wants to pay 40 or 50 Euro to see them in a big arena with nu-metal kids everywhere.
Well, FESTIVALS are one thing...

It's just that the prices for tickets and merchandise have literally exploded over here since they introduced the Euro. I have seen quite a few mainstream bands in concert before we had the new currency... even The Cranberries, HIM and The Smashing Pumpkins. And they all cost less than what I paid to see Deftones + A Perfect Circle last year (which was 40 Euro). Not to mention that nowadays they're charging up to 60 Euro for some fucking sweater. Plus, there's always so many idiots at these big shows - teenagers with teddybears, guys who take their girlfriends on their shoulders...etc.

I wish Katatonia praise, success and money...but I still hope it doesn't get THAT bad. :)
I love Katatonia and Lacuna Coil. That could definitely work. I mean, come one, barely any tour has bands that fit together anyway. I just wish that they would do a good U.S. tour. I honestly think that Katatonia could sell out some venues in the U.S. Maybe I am bull shitting myself, but I think that could be possible.