Katatonia Split Up

Let's face it: The Kata members have never communicated a whole lot through this board in the first place. I don't expect them to post as much as, for instance, the Antimatter guys in their forum...and nowadays the Kata message board sucks anyway...but it would still be nice if at least *something* came across.

Also, I wonder if the new Katatonia page will ever be launched. Jesse should have left the old page like it was until the new one was ready. It's pretty stupid to remove an official homepage from the web when a band has a new album out and a tour coming up. Maybe he doesn't launch the new page because Katatonia are going to split up anyway. That would at least make for a logical explanation. What else could account for the fact that this page has been so neglected over the past two years? Lack of enthousiasm, perhaps?! I wonder why Jesse hasn't given his webmastership to someone else a long long time ago. I'm sure there'd be quite a few people who'd be glad to do the job.
The_joy_of_grief, I agree with you.
I think it's a shame that their official site has been neglected for such a long time, especially if we think that they have a new album out and many new fans could look for info (previous albums, band bio, photos, merchandising and so on) on their official page and find almost nothing.
Mad Martin said:
What do you mean with "it's bullshit"? It's an official fact that Katatonia were kicked out of the billings - why nobody answered the promoters is another question.

I mean that the reason behind all this shit is not Katatonia having split.
And don't think that Katatonia are the bad guys in this business, that they don't give a shit about their fans. It's simply wrong . Once again, believe me.
Ok here are some news from the rockthenation - team:

von stefan am 08.07.2003 19:43
Homepage: www.rockthenation.at
liebe leute, tatsächlich haben sich heute KATATONIA nun endlich gemeldet und uns (metalfest & summer breeze) bescheid gegeben, daß ihr ex agent anscheinend unwahrheiten verbreitet hätte - sie eigentlich hätten beide festivals spielen wollen - sie lediglich auf urlaub waren - sich deshalb nicht zurückgemeldet haben. nun haben wir zu diesem zeitpunkt jedoch bereits AMORPHIS bestätigt - was von uns nun auch nicht mehr revidiert werden kann - das ist bereits schriftlich - daran läßt sich auch nicht mehr rütteln. wir bedauern das und wünschen KATATONIA alles gute mit der bitte sich ordentlich zu organisieren und schreiben sie mal für 2004 ganz oben auf die liste. mehr können wir nicht tun - der stefan

In english it must be like this:
Hi people, finally KATATONIA wrote a message today to tell us (Metalfest & Summer Breeze) that their ex-agent spread lies - the band wanted to play both festivals, they only were on holidays, so they couldn't write before. But we confirmed AMORPHIS already - we cannot change this anymore - we've got that in writing words - there is no chance to cancel that. We are very sorry for that and wish KATATONIA all the best with the request to organize themselves better. We wrote them for 2004 on the top of our list. We can't do more - Stefan

Well for the Metalfest Amorphis is already confirmed - I don't know the situation for the Summer Breeze
Don't want to make you sad by adding new info to the subject, but yesterday i was talking to Duncan (Patterson from Anathema) and while I doubt he knows very much stuff on the subject, he did insist that katatonia are splitting up... dunno what's up really. but i hope not, they are my favourite band...
sorry guys for believing all the bullshit but things looked really ugly. i dont know who could make this happen (that mentioned "third party") but I'd really like to wring his/her neck. It's a shame we gave up hope this soon (but that's the way panic spreads..)
Scizzgoth said:
Don't want to make you sad by adding new info to the subject, but yesterday i was talking to Duncan (Patterson from Anathema) and while I doubt he knows very much stuff on the subject, he did insist that katatonia are splitting up... dunno what's up really. but i hope not, they are my favourite band...

erm, I didnt insist that they were splitting up. I said that I'd heard that rumour, just as everybody here has.
Well from the sounds of the posting on the official page, it seems the guys were just taking the much needed vacation that page mentioned when the tour first ended. It seems to me that the person who started all these bloodt rumors was their EX-promoter. They even said on the page he started those rumors. And hell, if they had every intention of playing the festivals and plan on "seeing you at another time in the short future" then I dont think there is much to worry about. And with regards to the guys doing other projects, thats perfectly normal and hardly an indicator of a split up. I mean Sentenced is out doing their own projects with other guys (Poisonblack) but they are still together. I think at worst we'll see a long break before the next album but thats at worst case scenario.
maybe there are problems with one bandmember. would sound much more logical to me...

splitting up sounds too harsh. anyway time will tell.
Riemann said:
Enough of this splitting up shit, they've already said what happened and if it's not like that, time will tell, but for now, close this thread once and for last

wtf thats for. i guess we all like to know whats wrong! and maybe we can make the puzzle all together somehow...
