The Opeth joke thread

Whilst flying to the states to tour with labelmates Slipknot, the Opeth lear jet develops engine trouble and starts to go down. Soon the band realises there are only four parachutes on board, and somebody would have to be left behind.
Mike says: "As I am the frontman, I must go first, and I am taking Per because he is my badminton partner"
Per and Mike both grab parachutes and jump out, laughing like schoolgirls on the way down.
Peter looks at the Martins and says "I am an unparallel master of the guitar, and also white." He grabs a chute and jumps out.
Lopez, turning to the bass player says: "Well looks like it's down to you and me esse.

But there was naught but the sound of wind rushing past the open emergency hatch, and all alone, the drummer began to sob...
Mike and the band walk into a bar. Bartender says "Boys, why the long faces?"
Mike " I just signed with roadrunner and I feel like a horses' ass."

Bartender, " That explains the smell "
The Dude said:
Whilst flying to the states to tour with labelmates Slipknot, the Opeth lear jet develops engine trouble and starts to go down. Soon the band realises there are only four parachutes on board, and somebody would have to be left behind.
Mike says: "As I am the frontman, I must go first, and I am taking Per because he is my badminton partner"
Per and Mike both grab parachutes and jump out, laughing like schoolgirls on the way down.
Peter looks at the Martins and says "I am an unparallel master of the guitar, and also white." He grabs a chute and jumps out.
Lopez, turning to the bass player says: "Well looks like it's down to you and me esse.

But there was naught but the sound of wind rushing past the open emergency hatch, and all alone, the drummer began to sob...

hahahaha, incredible
Åkerfeldt and another man are standing at a big Swedish bus stop. Åkerfeldt's bus arrives and just as he is about the enter, the other man promptly asks Åkerfeldt, "hey, do you know what time it is?". With that Akerfeldt growls in the mans face, "I RECKON IT'S TIME FOR ME TO LEEEEAAAAVEE" and swiftly hops onto the bus which closes its door in the mans face. The perplexed man is left in shock as the bus fades away in the distance...

ho ho hohoho
R0l0 said:
Åkerfeldt and another man are standing at a big Swedish bus stop. Åkerfeldt's bus arrives and just as he is about the enter, the other man promptly asks Åkerfeldt, "hey, do you know what time it is?". With that Akerfeldt growls in the mans face, "I RECKON IT'S TIME FOR ME TO LEEEEAAAAVEE" and swiftly hops onto the bus which closes its door in the mans face. The perplexed man is left in shock as the bus fades away in the distance...

Fantastic. :grin:
Another morning in the recording studios for Opeth's new album.
Mike, Peter, M.Lo and Per, ready to work see a tired Mendez entering.
Mike: "Hey Martin, what's up? Where have you been man?"
Martin: "Oh well, there was this birthday party last night...'twas pretty veeeery drunk and all...and finally had some great sex."
M.Lo: "Yeah man, sit down, have a beer with us and tell us what was going on under the blanket!"
Martin: "Uh...yeah, no problem about the beer and telling....but I unfortunately can't sit down now......"