The Opeth joke thread

The Usurper said:
We are in the Opeth joke thread. Calm the fuck down.

Sorry, but I get sick and tired of this fanboy attitude that some people feel they have to vent with every opportunity they see. Maybe this particular post post wasn't meant like that, maybe it was.
I just think you can talk about musicians in a bit more of a nuanced way than that constantly go on like "OOOOOH, "<insert famous musiccy person's name> IS GOD!!".
I want to leave it at that, this is actually quite a jolly thread, and I wish not to repeat myself in the future. Just had to get it off my chest.

And fuck me backwards, I actually used paragraphs.....
Heavenscent said:
Sorry, but I get sick and tired of this fanboy attitude that some people feel they have to vent with every opportunity they see. Maybe this particular post post wasn't meant like that, maybe it was.
I just think you can talk about musicians in a bit more of a nuanced way than that constantly go on like "OOOOOH, "<insert famous musiccy person's name> IS GOD!!".
I want to leave it at that, this is actually quite a jolly thread, and I wish not to repeat myself in the future. Just had to get it off my chest.

And fuck me backwards, I actually used paragraphs.....

Mike = Jesus
So Bass Player was riding his bicycle on the way to Mike's house for dinner when a bird flew over and shat right on his face. Peter and Lopez were already there when Bass Player got there so after the guys had a good laugh at his expense Bass Player cleaned up in the bathroom. Anna then served the guys some delicious swedish meatballs which they wolfed down rapidly. After Lopez finished with the dishes he went out back to cut the grass while the other guys sat around watching American Idol.

Get it?