The Opeth 'Riff thread' has returned...

Shadows Skulk said:
5 years. And I didn't do it by tab, because they're rarely accurate. I sat down for like a half hour one day and figured it out by ear.

fucking wow...that is like....perfect dude, seriously...i could almost mistake that for mikael's playing.
Nice take on the Twilight acoustic part, man - here's my version. It's still a long way from done, since only half the lead is done and the drums aren't all programmed but I think it'll give an idea what it will sound like after I get it done and mix it up with the rest of the song.

(remember to copy and paste the link into your browser as geocities don't like external links)

Right click > copy shortcut and then paste
Speaking of Zelda, everyone has to hear the Fairy Theme. That is some of the best orchestral harp I've ever heard.

>> about which theme you are talking? when you entered one of these fairy dens? i only heard the snes version tho.
I recorded some opeth stuff, but I don't know how to get it online.
I like tracking music, though it's quite old-fasioned these day I guess.
I think it came out pretty good with the mod-plug tracker.
Haven't heard of any tracked Opeth songs, so I guess none of you are into tracking?
The Twilight Is My Robe, at 25 seconds, and at the 45 seconds. Amazing parts, I love that CD. Trying to keep this thread going. Snap! i almost forgot about the riff at 2:15, that song is amazing, its rediculous.