The return of the "How are you today?" thread

my finger hurts from clicking damm interwebs, i'm going start using my left hand now
I'm just great. My class today was awesome. My professor said that whenever you read in a book about a guy getting roadhead, you know it is just going to end up with the guy getting his penis mutilated. This class is going to be amazing.
I think the news regarding Dimmu is awesome

Their last keyboardist was better anyways, and I fuckin hated Vortex, should've not did vocals

Dimmu hasn't been good since EDT anyways
I woke up with pink-eye :( And my ceiling is leaking water...again.
Slept in waaay too much, have to see the dentist...arrg not really looking forward to today.
I woke up with pink-eye :( And my ceiling is leaking water...again.
Slept in waaay too much, have to see the dentist...arrg not really looking forward to today.

Pink eye is caused by poop particles