The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Winning?! :lol::lol: You would have been beaten to death without help from other countries. You just cried for help.

and Finland did what?

As if Finland or many countries have an as impressive history as England. Granted, its a fucking shit hole atm but we still fucking pwn you in almost every aspect when it comes to progressing the human race.
Fuck you're stuupid. Finland beat Russia (quite bigger than Germany) ALONE. Not help from Sweden, Norway, UK, France or USA.

That's the difference. You are quitters, we are nordic heroes.

You didnt win. You held your independance (which is ofc impressive but still you hardly defeated them and conqured Moscow) but lost some territory and lost one of your largest cities. Plus Britian was one of the leading countries that made Finland stop its campain against Russia. Plus while Russia is BIGGER than Germany. They were hardly as advanced as Germany.

Russian "lose" the Finnish war simply because of bad maintenance of military equipment. and in the WWs it took a shit load of countries together to stop Motherland Russia
Plus Russia was busy fighting Germany with the Allies, if they concentrated 100% of their military power on Finland I'm pretty sure their numbers alone would simply have overpowered Finland.
Plus Britian was one of the leading countries that made Finland stop its campain against Russia.

:lol::lol: Crying doesn't mean that.

Russian "lose" the Finnish war simply because of bad maintenance of military equipment. and in the WWs it took a shit load of countries together to stop Motherland Russia

That's one point, but not the whole story, so GTFO communist artfag. The main point, because we won, was cus we fought!

What you are reading about Finland "losing", is mainly jewish-UK-communist-propaganda.
do you really think this alone could win a war? :p
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