The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I have never been so sick as I am now. I guess this is payback for making fun of the swine flu/n1h1. I passed out many times last night and found my self in the bathroom sweating bullets and trying to puke but not being able to. Feeling better today. I have great will power, so I should get over it quick. Mind over matter, yes... :lol:
found my self in the bathroom sweating bullets

hello me, meet the real me
and my misfit's way of life
a dark black past
is my most valued posession

hindsight is always 20/20
but looking back it's still a bit fuzzy
speak of mutually assured destruction?
nice story... tell it to reader's digest

My brother just (a minute ago) broke his arm, AGAIN.


Its been 2 months since the first break. It was supposed to be all healed.
.... :lol:? Wtf, that sucks man... what did he do, was he being an asshole daredevil or did it just re-break after doing a normal activity? Didn't you say that your family like went near bankrupt over the first break? Time to send that fucker out to get a job or cross the border into Canada :lol:
Its America, you can probably sue.

I'm going out soon to get a new shirt for tomorrow, and check on our supply of glowsticks to see if its enough for a Black metal concert. I'm told we have 300 glowsticks, so I think we'll be okay.
Four years spent on remastering the Beatles album, to be in the end downloaded on 128k mp3 and listened on iPods with shitty earplugs.

Oh irony, such a cold thing you are.
I feel fine but my boyfriend is always depressed lately. He cries a lot and finds it hard to do anything. I'm really concerned about him, we called a shrink yesterday to get him an appointment but he just called me and it can't go on like that, I'm afraid he's gonna try to kill himself or something. Some of our friends even called me in the past week to ask me why he was so depressed, and I don't have an answer. He has become really clingy too, he won't even let me go buy a set of guitar strings, he has to come with me all the time.

What should I do to cheer him up?? any ideas ? I know he needs help, I'm calling the shrink again today to ask her to see him ASAP, but he's not a baby either, I don't want him to think I don't trust him with himself or something...