The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Oh god, now I don't feel old...

First night in new house, my roommate seems to think roommates share all food, which i already said was dumb, but now he has
Tired and a bit annoyed for constant questions "well, how does it feel now to be 18?" like I should feel somehow "reborn"
^^Yeh well I still have to attend the driving test and after that its great. Cant even go to some shop and buy long drink etc just because I could, nothing is open on Sunday...pretty crappy day to have 18th b-day :lol:
18 felt awesome, drive around with car, do whatever the fuck i wanted..

my life got twice as good than before

you should have done what the fuck you want before your 18 birthday, now you can get arrested.

if anything, life got boring after my 18, work all day long and study at night

and congrats Celeb
^^Yeh well I still have to attend the driving test and after that its great. Cant even go to some shop and buy long drink etc just because I could, nothing is open on Sunday...pretty crappy day to have 18th b-day :lol:

Happy birthday! :)
Tired and a bit annoyed for constant questions "well, how does it feel now to be 18?" like I should feel somehow "reborn"
