The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Doing ok, except this morning and first lessons at school werent that nice because of a small hangover. Well, feeling better now, just want to relax.
Have a nice trip man, Australia is a cool country to travel to, i was there back in summer 2001 for about a month. Great experience, though the plane was a bitch, fucking singapore airlines cunt noodles :lol:
I'm a bit freaked out. I have a dentist appointment in one hour and I'm gonna get an extraction so that my wisdom teeth can come out properly and ouchouchouch and FUUUFUUUFUUUUU, I didn't even get ready yet and I'm already scared. :(
I´ve already done that, doesn´t hurt, it just feels really weird :lol:

it doesn't hurt wen they are straight, try having them pulled out, wen they are deep into the skin, at a horizontal position :( they drilled my fucking skin!
I'm a bit freaked out. I have a dentist appointment in one hour and I'm gonna get an extraction so that my wisdom teeth can come out properly and ouchouchouch and FUUUFUUUFUUUUU, I didn't even get ready yet and I'm already scared. :(

Weee, got the tooth extracted and I don't even look as retardedly-swollen as I had thought I would. Now I just have to wait for the pain to start and I gotta wait for 2 hours till I can get some water. :erk:
it doesn't hurt wen they are straight, try having them pulled out, wen they are deep into the skin, at a horizontal position :( they drilled my fucking skin!

Mine were that way to, but they didn´t have to drill. The second one took some time and didn´t stop bleeding for hours, and it hurt like hell because I had to bite on a wad of cotton wool for so long :lol:
Eventually I got so hungry that I didn´t care about the blood and ate anyway. :lol: