The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Surprisingly not hungover. Last night was pretty awesome. Many shots and much tard dancing.
Bitches love my new hair and in a few hours a car full of my good friends are heading to York for my mates 21st. Shit is going to be kerrraaaazzzzyy.
Stayed in and watched movie with a friend, as I'm broke if I want to buy people nice things for Christmas. : / Work all weekend too, thankfully, will keep me distracted.

My neighbor, big into Blind Gaurdian, Symphony X, Dream Theatre, and early Metallica, was all excited to have another metalhead living with me (as I'm the one who told him about half the stuff he listens too). Hes greatly disappointed by how every time hes come to hang out, i've been playing something like Burzum, WitTR, Godspeed You, or something similarly slow and depressing. :lol:
I'm going to Germany too in the beginning of next year :kickass: Bremen again for a week! Gotta love Germany for the cheap and good beer and good food!
Only a short trip then? Hope you enjoyed it anyways

Wednesday - Saturday this time. Yeah I love it always.

I'm going to Germany too in the beginning of next year :kickass: Bremen again for a week! Gotta love Germany for the cheap and good beer and good food!

Jagerschnitzel mit pommes und mayoooooo!!! Yeah Deutsch food is cheap and excellent.
I don't know a lot of german beer, but my father brought some on one of his trips to poland, it was botteled in plastic bottles (ffs) and had a taste not even close to beer

Yeah well, just the fact It's German and shit doesn't mean all German beers are shit. I think all countries have beer that taste like piss. I also got a can of export Beck's like a month ago and It really did taste like piss. Ugh! The Beck's/Haake beck I had there was good though.

@Turbo: Yeah :kickass:
I was invited to my first artshow. I didn't go becuase it was going to be gay. It apparently was.
There was a guy who painted, then photographed his paintings, and then edited them in photoshop...Then displayed them.
I don't know a lot of german beer, but my father brought some on one of his trips to poland, it was botteled in plastic bottles (ffs) and had a taste not even close to beer
Each plastic bottled beer i have tried til now tasted like shit. Maybe just imagination, but convincing enough for me to only drink beer that was either in a glass bottle or just a cask before. If there´s only plastic around I prefer coke :lol:
Just got back home after my 3 day weekend in York. Saturday was my mates 21st birthday and we had many uber epic lulz. I don't think I've laughed that hard ever. Then yesterday we all sat in and painted our faces with this cheap ass facepainting kit we bought him was rolf.

I've been wasted everynight since Thursday. I don't want to have to go back to work :(