The return of the "How are you today?" thread

What happened :( ??
Quick question : do you think these feelings are accentuated when you live in Paris? I live in a small city far from everything so i don't feel much involved in what's happening in the country.

Edit : oh hey 1,001 posts !!
Tu dois être la seule à ne pas avoir vu le lipdub des Jeunes Populaires.

Anyway, I don't know what to think about your question : I was raised in a small town in the South and moved to Paris three years ago, and I feel like both are hard to live. In a small town you have to face the ideas, opinions and narrow minds of people (and obviously, when you're 30 and you never moved from these shitty towns since your first days, you're generally not a natural born intellectual), but in Paris the politics are omnipresent, and you realize how the big city represents everything that's rotten in this country. I've been more and more disgusted from this land since I moved, but I think it's more linked to me growing up and according much interest in the country's life, long story short.
Tu dois être la seule à ne pas avoir vu le lipdub des Jeunes Populaires.

Anyway, I don't know what to think about your question : I was raised in a small town in the South and moved to Paris three years ago, and I feel like both are hard to live. In a small town you have to face the ideas, opinions and narrow minds of people (and obviously, when you're 30 and you never moved from these shitty towns since your first days, you're generally not a natural born intellectual), but in Paris the politics are omnipresent, and you realize how the big city represents everything that's rotten in this country. I've been more and more disgusted from this land since I moved, but I think it's more linked to me growing up and according much interest in the country's life, long story short.

Small city, best of both worlds, where you can see a redneck fight a guy in a suit almost any weekend. Shits awesome.
Headache but otherwise good. I'm quite excited about my new challenges at work, it's great to start working in the area I'm not familiar with.
Feeling good! No school today because the bus wasn't coming. And when I woke up, everything was painted in snow :)
I hope for a white christmas, it's about 13 years ago since we had a white christmas or so.
And I just realized it's already christmas next week ... I'm not ready, but I'm ready for new years eve, though.
I'm good today, currently writing my last essay for this semester, then I'll have finished my first semester of University :O It's gone so quickly.

The essay is on Insane Asylums in the 1800s, History is so fucking badass.
Fuck knows man, I'm not one of those guys who went into Uni knowing exactly what he wanted. All I knew when I applied was that I really enjoy History and it's a good degree for essentially proving I'm not a fucking idiot, hopefully meaning my options are pretty open after Uni.
it's nice doing what you like, history has aways been my fav subject too, but the odds that i would become a teacher were too big :p
Fuck knows man, I'm not one of those guys who went into Uni knowing exactly what he wanted. All I knew when I applied was that I really enjoy History and it's a good degree for essentially proving I'm not a fucking idiot, hopefully meaning my options are pretty open after Uni.

Do the Christopher Hitchens thing; political and historical commentary with a little anti-theism on the side :kickass: Worked for him, lol
Irritated, disgusted, annoyed, and in the mood to ram farm equipment into someones vagina.

I'm done with COBOT for a bit too, later people.
So just found out that Devildriver/Goatwhore whoever else...uh...Suffocation is the same day as Epica.

And yeah, I'm going to Epica. :) I've seen Devildriver twice, don't care much for them, and Goatwhore and Suffo come all the time, plus Issac Delahaye is in Epica, I haven't seen him in four years ^_^