The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Bye a warm cap and a schemagh to cover you´re mouth and nose. And by the way we had -20 degrees celsius two days ago and I live in the south of Sweden...

I'm living in the middle of Finland and it has been about -20 celsius like two fucking weeks. It's not fun to walk outside when not wearing a scarf or schemagh. And I didn't have one until today. Breathing is so goddamn difficult through nose and it's not easy through mouth either. Well, it's good thing that holidays are starting so I don't need to walk around so much in this icebound inferno. I'm feeling sorry for my friend who just traveled to Lapland to spend his holidays, because there might be much more colder than here.
I'm living in the middle of Finland and it has been about -20 celsius like two fucking weeks. It's not fun to walk outside when not wearing a scarf or schemagh. And I didn't have one until today. Breathing is so goddamn difficult through nose and it's not easy through mouth either. Well, it's good thing that holidays are starting so I don't need to walk around so much in this icebound inferno. I'm feeling sorry for my friend who just traveled to Lapland to spend his holidays, because there might be much more colder than here.

I´m quite happy about the fact that the temperature has been kind of steady around -11 degrees, but in Lappland it´s been below -30. Definitely happy that I´m not living there!!!! And you can´t survive a winter without a shemagh, I´ve got three in different colors but the military model is definitely the best :)
Now I'm feeling really sorry for my friend :lol:

Your friend should be happy he wasn´t in Gielas in Västerbotten the 18th december because it was -37,2 degrees, record this year in Sweden. But that´s nothing compared to Ojmjakon in Russia which is the coldest inhabited place in the world with a record of -82 or something like that. If you go out side with a bucket of water and turn it up side down the water becomes ice before it hits the ground.
Awesome day! Holiday from now on and we were just saying goodbye in the school today. And it's still snowing and somewhere you can't get through the snow and we've been advised against going out/driving.
Luckily it isn't that cold today, it's about 0 degrees. I think we'll get a white christmas, which we've been waiting for in about 13 years.
Your friend should be happy he wasn´t in Gielas in Västerbotten the 18th december because it was -37,2 degrees, record this year in Sweden. But that´s nothing compared to Ojmjakon in Russia which is the coldest inhabited place in the world with a record of -82 or something like that. If you go out side with a bucket of water and turn it up side down the water becomes ice before it hits the ground.

though you better dont drink that much or visit the toilette twice before you're on the way to the club or pub :/
Been reading a good book, sleeping and just relaxing the whole day so everything is quite good. And its been snowing the whole day :) Everything is white and dont mind the cold as long as I dont have to go outside:D
I was hoping for a white christmas.. but pretty much all the snow is now brown goo here...
I fear it'll be gone before friday.. And it isn't that cold anymore either.. :'(

I'm only hoping that at my dad's place there'll still be lots of snow.. they had calfheight snow..

And tomorrow I'll be going to downtown Zwolle with a friend of mine in Victorian outfits to collect money for the 3FM Serious Request.
It's an initiative from Radio 3FM , every year three DJ's lock themselves in a glass house and live on fruit and vegetable juices for a week. It's always for a good cause and this year it's for the Red Cross against Malaria.

Thursday we'll be doing the same thing in Groningen and at the end of the day we'll deliver the money to the glass house, which stands in Groningen this year.

It might not be as cold anymore but I'm definately going to wear dubble layers of clothing.
Hey, did you mean this about me? If so, yes, I was alone at first, but then I met some people.
But didn't spend much time with them, I like being alone, somehow.

i have poor blood circulation, i'm almost always cold :(
I'm sorry, and I'm like... always in the same condition.

Today I feel good, just extremely tired. Can't sleep like I should, it feels weird.