The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm tempted to go tbf. Give me Wintersun and I'm sold.
I quiet want to see Andromeda. I've had their guitarist on msn for years (Johan from Skyfire) and he's pretty swish with his axe.

Go man. Im not going to see any band, but the fact that Behemoth are there is a bonus. Its become more ritualistic now, as in a certain weekend in August I have off work, and quest to the middle of nowhere, England every year for the past 5 years.
Go man. Im not going to see any band, but the fact that Behemoth are there is a bonus. Its become more ritualistic now, as in a certain weekend in August I have off work, and quest to the middle of nowhere, England every year for the past 5 years.

I haven't been since 2004 :| so I guess I'm due a BS. Twas a good time. I am considering, I usually go to as many festivals as I can so I'll probs go.
Today was awesome! Last day of school before winter break, went into the city, took another roll of film for my next photo project, saw the Tim Burton exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art (excellent except for the massive crowd!) went shopping, and out to my favorite thai restaurant with some girlfriends.
i must be the only person in the world who hates texting, it's so much easy to call and give the message
Well I was supposed to work from home 9 - 1 but I accidentally the beers last night until 4:30am. Woke up at 12:30 and now I'm sitting here with a cheese and ham toastie. Winrar, off work until 11th of Jan, FUCK YEAH
Well I was supposed to work from home 9 - 1 but I accidentally the beers last night until 4:30am. Woke up at 12:30 and now I'm sitting here with a cheese and ham toastie. Winrar, off work until 11th of Jan, FUCK YEAH

I noticed that you accidentally the beers last night :lol: Pants indeed :p