The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I'm doing awful, absolutely awful. :(
I think I've done something to my computer when I cleaned the disk manually, 'cause next time I tried to turn it on it said some file was missing and now it doesn't work anymore, so I tried installing Windows XP on my own and failed. :erk: I'm on dad's laptop at the moment and he doesn't even know it. :lol:

Also, I've found a couple of videos from a school thing we had a few weeks ago, someone uploaded on the internet and I don't even know the guy.

We're playing Nightwish btw, and my voice sounds flat at times, if anyone's allergic to cheesy music, don't watch. :lol:
Great voice indeed!

and you're very pretty :)

I think this picture sums up how i feel today


Yes those happen to be Opeth tickets for LA. I literally cried when I got them, I shit you not.
Great voice indeed!

and you're very pretty :)

I think this picture sums up how i feel today


Yes those happen to be Opeth tickets for LA. I literally cried when I got them, I shit you not.

Yeah, if all I got for Christmas was shitty concert tickets I'd cry too.

(But jokes aside you're a fag :lol Merry Christmas Homo ;) )

I'm doing awful, absolutely awful. :(
I think I've done something to my computer when I cleaned the disk manually, 'cause next time I tried to turn it on it said some file was missing and now it doesn't work anymore, so I tried installing Windows XP on my own and failed. :erk: I'm on dad's laptop at the moment and he doesn't even know it. :lol:

Also, I've found a couple of videos from a school thing we had a few weeks ago, someone uploaded on the internet and I don't even know the guy.

We're playing Nightwish btw, and my voice sounds flat at times, if anyone's allergic to cheesy music, don't watch. :lol:

That is pretty epic. Bonus points for doing the same song CrazyChris sang for Marie :lol:
@Zakk: Thanks so much! :)
Also, have fun at the Opeth concert. Saw them this summer and even though I'm not a huge fan, their show was pretty great indeed.

:lol: so true ! it's the army here, it teaches you how to front out critics :lol:
Yeah. :lol: That's why I only spent about 2 days or so around here when I had first joined with a different account a couple of years ago. :lol:

Bonus points for doing the same song CrazyChris sang for Marie :lol:
Romantic enough. :lol: I'd have loved to hear it, too bad I suppose I wasn't around when that happened.

and :lol: at vikk's post.
I'm doing awful, absolutely awful. :(
I think I've done something to my computer when I cleaned the disk manually, 'cause next time I tried to turn it on it said some file was missing and now it doesn't work anymore, so I tried installing Windows XP on my own and failed. :erk: I'm on dad's laptop at the moment and he doesn't even know it. :lol:

Also, I've found a couple of videos from a school thing we had a few weeks ago, someone uploaded on the internet and I don't even know the guy.

We're playing Nightwish btw, and my voice sounds flat at times, if anyone's allergic to cheesy music, don't watch. :lol:

Holy fucking shit! You sing amazingly! I really busted a nut there
Dear Lord Jebus... I just saw that thing that carries the guitar with the stickers, for fucks sake why does greasy food just taste so good?