The return of the "How are you today?" thread

@Undefined: All that sounds awful, dude. Hope things get better for you soon, your mom and dad get well, don't even think about the teacher shit too much. I don't know about the program you're applying to, but if you fail the first time, which might not even happen, I suppose you can improve your grades or so and apply again in a while. I totally empathize with the computer issues though, I had Microsoft reinstalled like a month ago, all my data was lost, and the computer got fucked once again meanwhile, so all the movies and the music I had managed to, ermmm, gather back, are lost again now. :erk:

Also, I'm cold as fuck. Been out for about 4 hours today to get my damn passport renewed and I just can't seem to get myself feel warm again. :mad:
My friends and I got stuck in an elevator cause we were jumping in it.
Haha, I have no idea why the fuck we thought it was ok to jump.
I was actually kinda scared when the elevator stopped.
I'm glad that I'm still alive lol.