The return of the "How are you today?" thread

I feel awkward at work, it's actually a jobshadowing type thing for school, but they pay me well over minimum wage and I basically sit around and do nothing for most of the day. I don't have any responsibilities either. Great conditions really, I just feel like I should actually be doing something for their money.
Finally its over. Had my last entrance exam for uni today. Now I just have to wait for July for the results. But now, time to relax! Meaning all I have to do for couple of weeks is just to go to work and otherwise do nothing.
I'm feeling really good !!! 2 days ago my drummer and our ex-keyboardist dyed my hair purple and yesterday, after spending the day with them again and another one of our friends and dying my drummer's hair purple, I cut my hair by myself and I didn't fuck it up :) Now everybody asks me if I went to the hairdresser and tell me my hair looks fabulous.
I finally enrolled in school yesterday after a 2-3 year hiatus. Start a three month basic cook course in less than 2 weeks :D Power went out during the paperwork, candlelit enrollment was a lol.
^^ Happy belated birthday!

I'm so fucking pissed. It was the FIRST fucking time I ever came across ticket control in the bus and my bus-card thingie was empty, but I didn't know, because our fucked up system goes something like, you buy 6 "rides" for example, then you travel around the town, the devices that "check" those rides don't tell you how many you have left and then, as an unlucky Pisces that you are, you go into the bus, the device says "COULD NOT CHECK", you shrug and take a seat right in front of the ticket controller undercover, she waits for 10 minutes, you're like DERP meanwhile, smiling and all, then she says PLEASE PRESENT YOUR CARD. You hand it, she says "EMPTY, PL0X COME WITH ME" and displays a fucking godlike trollface at you. Fuck this system. And my life. And the mean, mean ticket controlling bitch. :mad: