The return of the "How are you today?" thread

^^ Happy belated birthday!

I'm so fucking pissed. It was the FIRST fucking time I ever came across ticket control in the bus and my bus-card thingie was empty, but I didn't know, because our fucked up system goes something like, you buy 6 "rides" for example, then you travel around the town, the devices that "check" those rides don't tell you how many you have left and then, as an unlucky Pisces that you are, you go into the bus, the device says "COULD NOT CHECK", you shrug and take a seat right in front of the ticket controller undercover, she waits for 10 minutes, you're like DERP meanwhile, smiling and all, then she says PLEASE PRESENT YOUR CARD. You hand it, she says "EMPTY, PL0X COME WITH ME" and displays a fucking godlike trollface at you. Fuck this system. And my life. And the mean, mean ticket controlling bitch. :mad:

you get lucky, here we get this in every bus:

Believe it or not I just got back from a date, and it went incredibly. You know me CoBOT, I'm not the kind to post silly relationship stuff on here. But damn I'm feeling pretty happy for once.
Who is the lucky lad Swabs? :D

And :lol: My fucking city is like something out of Fallout 3, really. SWAT ladden cops lined up shoulder to shoulder making a human barricade vs dirty fucking hippies. They fucking smashed everything downtown, literally EVERYTHING along this one block that I frequent on Queen street :lol: and cop cars are being set on fire too. lol@G20... but a lot of people are saying it was staged to justify the 2 billion dollars they spent turning the city into a fortress. Either way, it's pretty fucking cool. Toronto looks like a 3rd world country,
Haha oh wow. Oh well, take some pics at least, should get at least SOMETHING out of people being fucking mongs lol
I have an exam tomorrow, therefore wholly entitled to procrastinate. This is why I've watched a movie that I've also seen yesterday, after that, Hannah Montana on the kids tv, then I've sliced apricots for mom to make marmalade. Now I'm thinking to zumba. It's now 1.22 PM, panic-attack for tomorrow must occur at like 6 pm. :cool: