The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Going to another hick state to watch junior officers during live fire exercises.

Fucken awesome Canada.
They really fucked a lot of businesses :lol: 600 arrested today before noon, there were even people in the fucking sewers so they had to weld them shut. Kinda surprised actually. Multiple riots in Canada, feelsgoodman.
They really fucked a lot of businesses :lol: 600 arrested today before noon, there were even people in the fucking sewers so they had to weld them shut. Kinda surprised actually. Multiple riots in Canada, feelsgoodman.

Right in front of Steve's!!! D:

My reaction to the news today.


What the fuck are Canadians rioting for?

People would stop thinking you were 13 if they saw you hold a newspaper from time to time.
Had a great 6 hour band practise yesterday while England were getting ass fucked by Germany then got slightly drunk/high with my band mates.
Hella fun but now I'm paying for it at work ;_;
Oh holy fuck :(.
Medicine preparation course is so terribly hard. I worked 10 hours straight,worked for additional 40 minutes in my lunch break, got home, did some work for my other studies - 2 more hours of studying wait and then I'll need to repeat the preparational stuff...Yes, I am bragging, no - I don't care how annoying I am by posting this. Just ignore it if you don't wanna read it.
Thanks to Muffin, to whom I'm sending all the credits and my appreciation through this post, I've just realized my speakers were inverted, after three years of wrong usage. I'm now listening to music like a pro. :cool: :lol:

Also, one exam done and half-failed, two more to go, woohoo!
My mind has been mildly blown, some guy I went to high school with had a kid last week. He's like 19, five years ago we used to wander around being irresponible young pricks in the neighbourhood, and I saw him at new year's and we both ended the night omfg drunk/high and there was no mention of this... At least I guess he can afford it, since he's in the army...

:lol: get used to it, and learn to carry a rubber ffs.

Self-righteous hippies are annoying as fuck. "Waaaa we're in a police state!" says the cunt who's never left Southern-Ontario.

Anyway, that's a bit fucked. Though the psychological exam all police take would actually do a really, really good job of blocking out anyone who believed in Anarchist least I would hope so. :/