The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Keep your eye on the fat girl in this one.


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Am I missing something? Why are the police kicking and harassing people that are just sitting on the grass? I know about G20, but this is all unnecessary don't you think?
^that, basically

Am I missing something? Why are the police kicking and harassing people that are just sitting on the grass? I know about G20, but this is all unnecessary don't you think?

Jist of what happened, big mob of Black Bloc Anarchists (a massive gaggle of 4chan nerds and skinny hipsterfags) went around smashing shit in downtown Toronto. They smash in shops, set some cop cars on fire, and no cops intervene the entire time. They then all at once move back towards the main protest site, most take their black clothing off, and merge back into the peaceful protests. Cops come in and basically fuck everyone up.

That's basically the jist of what I've seen in most of the videos.
Cops didnt do shit when they lit their cars on fire? I highly doubt that :lol:

Anyway, my day will be fucking horrible, stayed up whole night packing my shit because i'm moving into a new appartment.
In 2 hours ill start laying in the new floor, paint the walls and transport all my stuff there.
Cops didnt do shit when they lit their cars on fire? I highly doubt that :lol:

Anyway, my day will be fucking horrible, stayed up whole night packing my shit because i'm moving into a new appartment.
In 2 hours ill start laying in the new floor, paint the walls and transport all my stuff there.

Sounds like an awesome day :/
Exciting at least, congrats on new place.

and yeah, as Joe said.
Fuck da Police.
I stole my roommates letovers and now have ood poisonin D:

Also my computer broke so now Im on my roommates PC, which has a broken keyboard

-This post made without the keys G F X