The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Speaking of which, if everyone just wrote their address down in this thread it would be much easier for me :)
Hah, she got it up the butt I bet.

why'd you move to norway?

lol kidz. it was more like everyone ended up puking that night (except me). And my friend Cassie, whom I moved here with, couldn't even stand on her fucking legs by the end of the night. Had to be tossed over Sarah's shoulder and she was screaming and kicking the whole time, making Sarah fall to the ground with her several times. Bruises everywhere the next day. That's what the Irish pub and free drinks will do to you I guess.

I've wanted to move here for like 2 years now. Just had to wait to finish my bachelor's degree, save up the money, and then I was free to do so. Came here mostly for the isolated feel of it. Besides, Norway has a high standard living, the people are well taken care of (if you're a citizen or have a permanent residency at least). And it's freakin gorgeous when you look outside your window. Given that you don't live in the city anyway.

In fact, check this out. A pic I took after a couple of friends and I hiked up a mountain in Værøy. I don't know how many of you would actually appreciate such a thing, but yeah, the pictures don't even do the scenery justice.
Came here mostly for the isolated feel of it. Besides, Norway has a high standard living, the people are well taken care of (if you're a citizen or have a permanent residency at least). And it's freakin gorgeous when you look outside your window. Given that you don't live in the city anyway.

Those are the exact reasons I've contemplated moving there myself when I'm older, but IDK, I fucking love GB.
Well I'll have to wait a few years first, but I definitely will at some point.

Waiting a few years is really good anyway. It'll give you a chance to start saving your money right now. This country is so fucking expensive...and unless you can start getting an income while you live here, your savings wont last very long anyway.
Hung the fuck over, well I was, now I`m cooking chicken... Needless to say Maiden fucking owned Toronto last night, I could see them 100 times and still be jumping/screaming/singing/dancing every time.