The return of the "How are you today?" thread

my day was almost good, woke up at 11:45, lunch was on the table, bought some chips and soda to see game, eat some delicious ice cream, Netherlands won. Lady at the credit card called me with some bullshit about i was lucky and i won something that i would have to pay for, and wen i say i didn't had a income, she said goodnight and hang up. But as always things must get shit, i called in for some burgers for me and my brother, but they forgot mine. FML. I'm going to listen to My Chemical Romance now.
my day was almost good, woke up at 11:45, lunch was on the table, bought some chips and soda to see game, eat some delicious ice cream, Netherlands won. Lady at the credit card called me with some bullshit about i was lucky and i won something that i would have to pay for, and wen i say i didn't had a income, she said goodnight and hang up. But as always things must get shit, i called in for some burgers for me and my brother, but they forgot mine. FML. I'm going to listen to My Chemical Romance now.

aww, poor you :( did your brother at least share his burger with you?
I'm looking for a few good books to read :)

on my list so far (don't know the exact translation though):
The twins of Highgate by someone I forgot
Cross - Ken Bruen
Devil's Sonate - Alex van Galen

I'm also interested in something with 'darkness' in the title by Amos Oz, but it's 650 pages, kinda discouraging -_-

Anything anyone claims should be read?

also... wasn't there a book-thread or was that in my head? :/

edit: found it, but don't want my name attached to it :p
buy Dune.
Really, I read it when I was really young and now I'm reading that old book again and its awesome
Dune war eine deutsche Dance-Formation, die Mitte der 1990er Jahre unter anderem mit Titeln wie Hardcore Vibes, Are You Ready To Fly? und Rainbow To The Stars Erfolge feierte. Der Name ist durch den Science fiction-Film Dune inspiriert.


is it the book by Frank Herbert? about planetes and shizzle? sounds a bit too sci-fi for my likings, but i'll look into it, thanks :)
I like stuff by Clive Barker "Mister B. Gone" It's a simple read but it's got a dark theme to it. I also read a lot of stuff by Christopher Hitchens, especially on religious stuff. Other than that it's Biology and Zoology books :/
Dune war eine deutsche Dance-Formation, die Mitte der 1990er Jahre unter anderem mit Titeln wie Hardcore Vibes, Are You Ready To Fly? und Rainbow To The Stars Erfolge feierte. Der Name ist durch den Science fiction-Film Dune inspiriert.


is it the book by Frank Herbert? about planetes and shizzle? sounds a bit too sci-fi for my likings, but i'll look into it, thanks :)

I'm not into science fiction at all but that book is great :D

and i at first i thought started to 'talk' to me in german :lol:
She wasn't? :/

We watched Food Inc. in class today, about my 4th time seeing it. Every North American must watch that documentary.
After that we had a tour of the farmers market (in the same complex as the school), were the chef first went to all the places she buys her groceries and introduced us, then went around pointing out which booth were real farmers, and which were just people buying the same shit as supermarkets and selling them to people in a Farmers market :p

That being said, I have a nice thick new york strip loin. Organic and grass fed, can't fucking wait to eat that motherfucker.