The return of the "How are you today?" thread

Waiting a few years is really good anyway. It'll give you a chance to start saving your money right now. This country is so fucking expensive...and unless you can start getting an income while you live here, your savings wont last very long anyway.

No, I mean the fact that I'm fourteen and my family wouldn't be too keen on a holiday to Norway :lol:
With all the shit I'm after I won't be surprised if my savings disappear by the end of summer :lol:
Hung the fuck over, well I was, now I`m cooking chicken... Needless to say Maiden fucking owned Toronto last night, I could see them 100 times and still be jumping/screaming/singing/dancing every time.

lololololololol my freind (the one whos now-ex-boyfreind yelled at you or whatever), went to that show, apparently drank too much, and only remembers about 10 minutes :/

Shes tiny :p

oh, and I had my first day of school today, it was really fucking boring, I forogt how much I hated that shit :/
I have to do a project on a the general culinary history of a country now, I took Norway so I can also learn how to pickle things. :p
lololololololol my freind (the one whos now-ex-boyfreind yelled at you or whatever), went to that show, apparently drank too much, and only remembers about 10 minutes :/

:lol: I was yelling at him... and yeah I got tanked too but I remember everything, I would be pissed if I didn't thought, tickets were expensive. Luckily I bought 4 tickets, sold the other two for $300 so only ended up paying $100 for 2 tickets, not bad. :cool:

And yeah, school sucks when you haven't been in a while but it gets better.
I saw Maiden when they pulled that shit where they played their entire new album, which I had not yet heard, and then like 3 classics. I was pissed, I still havn't heard that one. I dont think I ever will, I never listen to Maiden. :p

I went biking, stopped on a bench to lay down in the sun and chill and this deer was watching me as it chewed its grass, it was fucked. I somehow got a terrible farmerstan/burn on the left of my neck, but the right side looks fine :/
Fuck Norway, no country has the right to ferment fish :mad:
Unless they want to preserve their food for the incredibly harsh winters, because refridgeration isn't THAT new of an invention.
You're getting to old to be 12, what is this?

posting in this forum again after more than a year is probably the best prove that I must be feeling really, really, really damn bored :lol:
besides that I feel good ;)

Too bad you didn't take that year off to study some more English D: