The return of the "How are you today?" thread

:lol: I got a physical a few days ago and the blood work came back... apparently I have a thyroid disease. Now I don't feel as bad for being a fat fuck, since that is one of the main things it does, which is rape your metabolism and gives you madgainz in fat. Shitsux though regardless.


(sorry man, that actually really sucks. I just wanted to be part of the HAHA COOL trend)

Vikk... Harden the fuck up.

You put it nicely. I was going to say he sounds like a pantywaist. Voodoo and gypsies? How about you kneel by your bedside and say ten hailmary's and everything will be better.


I've been reading Christopher Hitchens' memoir 'Catch 22', and I am greatly enjoying it.
:lol: I got a physical a few days ago and the blood work came back... apparently I have a thyroid disease. Now I don't feel as bad for being a fat fuck, since that is one of the main things it does, which is rape your metabolism and gives you madgainz in fat. Shitsux though regardless.

:lol: ouch! Fuck the world go for Bearmode.

like missing the bus everyday, the only class i missed was the most important in the last 6 months,

You can break the curse by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier.
Started summer exercising schedule today, only got up two hours ago and I feel ready to sleep again :lol: feels good man

Are you pulling an Ensi and getting buff? :p

:lol: Maybe. Sad thing is my cardio is fucking fantastic. I can row full out 15-20 mins straight, jog 20-30 mins straight, bike for hours :lol: Maybe I will just hit dem weights harder.

I've gotten relatively lean and still can barely go 45 seconds full speed :(
Need more biking and less tobacco D:

I've also noticed the deer in the conservation area are soo fucking stupid fat and lazy. They don't "run" away like most deer, they watch you thinking "ahh fuck do I have to run from this guy? Is he going to get that close? Fuck, he is"....then slowly trot away. I really just want to go up and take one out with a knife...keep them on their toes.
how the fuck you guys can bike for hours? how do you get time? sometimes i had to wake up 5:45 to hit the gym. because i had work all day and school at night